Remember how last year we had to write one million posts about Paula Deen because she loved the tropes of Ye Olde Southern Slavery Fun Time and was also a super racist employer? Good times. But Paula is back, baby, and better than ever, because she's out there comparing herself to Michael Sam.
Yes, Paula Deen knows you just think of her as a big stick of real racist real butter, but she would like you to know that she is a complex person and contains multitudes and should not be reduced to her terrible racist buttery badness.
The 62-year-old is also sympathizing with an unlikely sports star — NFL prospect Michael Sam. She told the mag, "It's like that black football player who recently came out … he said, 'I just want to be known as a football player. I don't want to be known as a gay football player.' I know exactly what he's saying."
Fixed it indeed. Thank you!
Mrs Lot_49 felt obliged to go there, so, against my better judgment we actually visited Ms Deem's ugly chancre on the Savannah streetscape a few years ago. You had to stand in line at 10 in the morning to get a table for lunch. Inside the place had the menu and ambiance of a TGI Friday's.
This seems to demonstrate that enough teevee exposure will make anything popular. Like Bill O'Reilly.