Well, who really wants Greenland? PUTIN. It would be given to him for his birthday in a grand gesture from his orange underling and downstream minions. And wouldn't that be a lovely gift for Vlad.

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I doubt that any of his followers who bought that T-shirt would be aware that the additional island at the top is Greenland.

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Right, because if you're going to share state secrets with the Russian ambassador in the Oval Office, "security" is no longer a concern, either.

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Are those wrinkles? I thought they were scars.

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Here is a passage from one of many books that I have about the plot to assassinate Hitler, stating that he, "was a man whom few people genuinely loved. He was idolized by millions, but idolatry is not love. It is perverted faith, expressed by fawning."Does that sound like any contemporary political figure we know?

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It does! But I still don't see the payoff for the deludenoids. Unless in both cases it's happiness at being allowed to trash entire human groups.

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Wow -- I could have a great weekend on eBay with that.

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Oh, c'mon -- we all know you're really LQTM (laughing quietly to myself).

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All the more reason to support every Democratic candidate for the Senate. Even getting Pete or Kamala or (goddess help us) Handsome ol' Joe in the White House won't mean squat unless the Dems have a majority there.

And this from the season 7 episode "The Ticket" from The West Wing: "Forget about a four-year term. The presidency is eighteen months -- that's your window. After that, there's midterms. No one on the Hill's got time to deal with you -- they're too busy trying to get re-elected. Then suddenly . . . you're running again."

That's Leo McGarry (the late John Spencer) explaining the political realities to up-and-coming Democratic presidential nominee Matt Santos. It's as true today as it was when that episode was made 14 years ago. Winning the presidency is good, but little will be accomplished without having both houses of Congress.

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It's how he rolls. THEY should feel PRIVILEGED to do things in His name! Why should he be grateful to them or Trump forbid, POLITE to them in return?

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The Big Con is crumbling. Even though most already knew they just had to see the degree of dereliction that comes with El Trumpo before they could truly believe.

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Why didn't he offer to buy part of Ukraine? Sure they would have to work out that silly title dispute that's been going on, but hey, Crimea recently was transferred between countries for peanuts, so I hear.

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You know, usually I'm cheering the rank incompetence of this administration since almost everything they want to do is terrible and I'm glad when they aren't successful. But why aren't his supporters more angry at just how bad he is at his job? Even if this were a good idea, could you possibly think of a worse negotiating strategy than what just happened in the last week?

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Who’ll stop him? I’m guessing E.U. partners, NATO, Canada. After pissing off the entire free world to point their arsenals at us, hopefully congress and the Joint Chiefs will get an effing clue.

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Oh, he knows about Puerto Rico. It's the one in the middle of the big water with all the ungrateful brown people. He went there and tossed paper towels at it

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Uh, Vicky honey? You're better than that. Take the kids and go stay at your sisters until you can get the papers drawn up.

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Just in case no one else not comments, he is presenting as mid stage dementia. Of course since the state department is thoroughly gutted and demoralized, no one told him he would be ridiculed, mocked, disrespected etc. If he went forward with such a lame brain idea.

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