Hi Marcie, thank you for this! We at the Media and Democracy Project recently published an Open Letter to US newsrooms, we'd be grateful if you would sign on, and/or we'd love to speak with you about our initiative demanding Pro-Democracy 2024 Election Coverage https://newsdirect.com/news/open-letter-demands-newsroom-reset-pushes-for-adoption-of-pro-democracy-election-coverage-guidelines-619946460

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Thanks for keeping it REAL!

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I got a huge dose of stupid injected, you know, insides, interestingly, that killed my Wapo subscription in a minute about a year ago. I can relate. Alexandra Petri is as awesome as always, though.

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We can trust Wonkette. There’s that.

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JFC. That's all I got.

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In defense of WaPo and NYT, their sports writers aren’t bad. Still not enough for me to renew my subscription to both. I think I get much better (and truthful) news from independent writers on Substack and the Guardian. Substack has proven to be a godsend during these trying times. Thank you!!

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The billionaire owners buy papers and then slowly, so as to seem inpercettible to readers over time, turn them to their own uses.

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I now subscribe to the Defender website for my sports news, because I WANT Drew McGarry's continuing series, "Why Your Team Sucks."

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Somehow, Kessler forgot about the 30,353 documented lies that Trump told during his presidency

--context is important, Greg

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Bezos moved to Miami. Coincidence?

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It used to be, NYT was all in on tearing down Biden, and WaPo had more of an interest in fanning the anti-LGBTQ flames (especially the T).

Wha happen? Why are they both on the same team now? Are they that pissed at getting the take-your-liberal-bias-and-shove-it-up-your-ass treatment from the Dems?

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WaPo hired a Murdoch tabloid man, Will Lewis, to run the joint, look for them to go full reich-wing propaganda.

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Once WaPo hired Will Lewis, I canceled my sub. They’ve turned from hero to zero and I refuse to support this.

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Looks like all those fact-checkers who were laid off when Biden became President will have to be rehired. Trump's a job creator!

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Don’t bother tracking his lies and fact-checking him. Count his “I’s” and not his lies!!

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And he was just joking! (I'm surprised we don't see that there.)

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Locker-room talk. ffs.

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Marcie Jones kicks ass AND takes names and they are the Washington Post and the New York Times. Shame on them for not just allowing democracy to die in darkness but for turning off the lights for $$$$.

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I guess Jeff Bezos needs the money to keep his super yacht's feeder yacht all fueled up.

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You think he'd still be pissed at trump, because he targeted him back when, but Bezos is just that horrible, and that hideous girlfriend of his, are quite a pair.

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"It's not our job!"

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I dumped them both.

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As to NYT fact-checking, I think it was SPY magazine that lampooned many years ago the "newspaper of record"'s tendency to issue corrections, e g.: "In a story about Iraq's ubiquitous Weapons of Mass Destruction, we misspelled "yellowcake" as "yellowkake". Also Colin Powell was born on a Tuesday, not a Thursday. The Times regrets the errors."

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I would have fled from the NYT's earlier but they're going to make me pay for the entire year anyway. But after Kamala is elected, I will be cancelling the NYT's as a Christmas present to me. All I want to do is have some fun; I've got a feeling I'm not the only one :D

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What a wonderful little pickle they've painted themselves into. The right doesn't read the NYT because of decades of Republicans screaming, "Liberal bias!" with the Times as the poster child of that bias.

Now, they're going to lose the left because of actual anti-liberal bias.

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Exactly why I cancelled my NYT subscription, though my family had been loyal subscribers for the better part of a century. Newspaper of Record? It's become a gutter press.

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