The One Million Moms Are Declaring War On Christmas
(They are mad at Hallmark for acknowledging the existence of gay people again)
All the One Million Moms (actually just one mom, on a good day) want is to be able to live in a world where everyone just collectively agrees to pretend gay people don't exist. This is not a very easy task, owing to the fact that gay people do exist and those who want to pretend they don't are now very much in the minority. Not as much in the minority as we'd all like, but in the minority nonetheless.
Last December, OMM successfully pressured The Hallmark Channel to stop airing a Zola.com commercial featuring a lesbian couple — probably one of their very first successful campaigns in years. Alas, their victory was short-lived. It was only a few days before Hallmark reinstated the ads due to immense public outcry.
This week, The Hallmark Channel got with the times and announced that they would be featuring Christmas movies (and other movies, we assume?) with LGBTQ storylines and characters this year.
Via CNN:
George Zaralidis, vice president of network publicity for Crown Media Family, Hallmark's parent company, issued an emailed statement to clarify the intentions for the upcoming releases. He identified diversity and inclusion as "top priority."
"We look forward to making some exciting programming announcements in the coming months, including announcements about projects featuring LGBTQ storylines, characters, and actors," he said in the statement.
Zaralidis added that Crown Media is "committed to creating a Hallmark experience where everyone feels welcome."
That's nice! I am more of a Lifetime gal myself, ( total sucker for any movie in which an actor I forgot about tries to steal someone's life and/or baby), but this is great news for non-ignorant people who are also very into wholesome holiday romance movies involving couples in aggressively coordinated sweaters. A group which includes many of my dearest friends.
Anyway, the One Million Moms Who Are Not One Million Moms are very upset about this and have issued their usual announcement of a plan to boycott the station. But not just the station, mind you. They will also be boycotting Hallmark cards, wrapping paper ... and Christmas ornaments.
The gloves are off!
Hallmark Channel announced its plans to start introducing gay and transgender storylines into its movies after receiving online complaints about the lack of obvious LGBTQ content in its lineup of holiday movies.
In less than one year, the network decided not only to air LGBTQ commercials, which 1MM petitioned and began to boycott in December 2019 , but also to produce and air movies pushing the gay agenda by featuring lead gay characters in homosexual relationships.
"Diversity and inclusion is a top priority for us, and we look forward to making some exciting programming announcements in the coming months, including announcements about projects featuring LGBTQ storylines, characters, and actors," said George Zaralidis, vice president of network program publicity at Hallmark's parent company, Crown Media Family Networks. "We are committed to creating a Hallmark experience where everyone feels welcome."
The once conservative network has recently caved to LGBTQ pressure and has done a one-eighty from the wholesome content the channel once aired, and the network is now catering to the Left.
So many people feel betrayed by Hallmark over these past seven months. Hallmark Channel was one of the remaining channels that families could watch without being bombarded by politically correct commercials and the LGBTQ agenda.
Family entertainment is not the outlet in which to be politically correct by forcing tolerance and acceptance of homosexuality – a sinful lifestyle that Scripture clearly deems wrong in Romans 1: 18-28 .
1MM has been called a hate group when speaking the truth, but the biblical truth is anything but hateful.
One Million Moms is boycotting all things Hallmark. This includes Hallmark Channel, Hallmark wrapping paper, greeting cards, Christmas ornaments, etc.
Aw! They don't like being called a hate group? How sad for them. They could probably fix that by not being so gosh darn hateful, but that is unlikely to happen. What would they even do?
One thing about this letter that does make me happy is that the One Million Moms and their families feel that they cannot watch television without being "bombarded" by "politically correct commercials and the LGBTQ agenda." That is awesome! Good job on that, everyone! Really. I hope that they are. I hope that they are super miserable about this and that they cannot find a moment's respite from being reminded that their bigoted views are stupid and bad. I hope it becomes really hard for them to pass these views onto their children, so that those kids don't grow up and dedicate their lives to whining that Hallmark isn't bigoted enough for them.
That would be really nice.
[ One Million Moms ]
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Does the second boycott cancel the first boycott?? https://uploads.disquscdn.c...
And anti vaxers, no doubt.