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Otter Eats Fish Parfaits With Impeccable Table Manners! Tabs, Thurs., Feb. 15, 2024
Mmmm, fish parfaits! Morning news roundup!
Presumably we’ll know more about this between now, when I am trying to finish tabs and prep for having friends over for fancy Valentine’s Dinner, and morning, when you are all waiting and I am asleep. But I certainly wouldn’t bet money against “Fox News’s stochastic terrorism of the super bowl game.” (CNN) You know, like so: “Nearly 1 in 5 Believe Taylor Swift Election Conspiracy Theory.” (Monmouth)
Well when Simon Rosenberg puts it all in a row like that, yes, it does seem like President Joe Biden is doing a very good job! (Hopium Chronicles)
How bad is the Trump New York state fraud payout verdict going to be (for him)? HOW BAD IS IT GOING TO BE??? — NBC News
Oh yeah, no, Trump should not have an “Insurrection Act” to play with, that would be bad! (Thom Hartmann)
Rebecca Traister goes deep-deep on California’s Senate race. They’re all fine and good, they’d all be good and fine. For myself, I’m probably closest to Katie Porter politically, even though Barbara Lee is literally always right. (Oh the Lee section will make you weep.) I also like Lee best personally and am frequently embarrassed by Porter’s loudmouth bit, because she’s too much like me. But then, Lee would be looking at a six year term at 77, which has been a bit of an issue lately. (Traister also seems to have quite an antipathy to Nancy Pelosi, which I do not share! I love Nancy Pelosi! I could see why Lee and Porter might … less so!) Also Adam Schiff exists. He’s fine. He would be good and fine. Good lord, I’m glad I don’t have to vote there, the land of my birth. This has been an inscrutable mess of a recap of Traister’s piece. And guys? Don’t badmouth it if you haven’t read it based on what you think it might say. I hate that. (New York mag)
This by SER on Jon Stewart is interesting and thoughtful and shares all my priors. — The Play Typer Guy
The police report on the cop who hallucinated being shot and did a whole Reno 911 barrel roll thing to evade … an acorn that hit the roof of the patrol car … is 44 pages of fascinating. But it was a lot more hilarious (since nobody was killed) before I read in the Daily Beast, while looking for the video again, that the guy in the back of the police car is completely fucked up and traumatized now. Mostly shocked that the sheriff apologized. Yayyyy?
You know in Barbie — shut up yes you do — when the bitter girl is so mean and she makes Barbie cry with all the viciousness a teen girl can weaponize? Well, lolllll Harvard Crimson on the national media and the New York Times. Daaaaang. That smarts!
Michigan “Right to Work” — and we really need a name for that that is something else, because it sounds like we’re making everyone unemployed — is gone gone gone. (WoodTV)
That is absolutely a Big Stupid Desk. — Defector
From the comments, a day late, meet your friend the polite otter.
Why do these people have otters in their home instead of the river or the … lake? Ocean? Sea? Okay but I love my river lake ocean sea rodents, tyoooot!
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