Yeah, how many millions of people has this "God" Fellow wiped out in a fit of pique? Floods, Plagues, destroying entire cities? Slaughtering first borns?
Maybe not the best person to go to for "Pro Life" arguments.
Yahweh is a bronze age king - capricious, cruel, arrogant, racist, and needy. But with magic. The humans who created their god couldn't imagine it any other way.
Yes, I know that the earliest books in the bible were early iron age, but the myths, values, magical thinking, and such were much older.
There are like 330,000,000 bajillion people in this country, and allegedly 70+ million voted for Trump to be president again, so clearly there are a buttload of crappy people in America alone. Then there’s Russia, Dutarte in the Philippines, and have you heard about how women are treated in India? Surely, not all lives are precious. The word will lose all meaning.
As a child, I was trained in such a religion: one that thought even Southern Baptists were Satan's spawn. But somewhere, around 12 or so, my mother let me decide to go to church or not. She went, my father, totaled confused by it, went and sat beside her and often napped (he was a long-haul trucker most of his life). I got to stay home. Thanks Mom for doing something that I most needed from you: protection from a religion you admired.
I have made curved sash
well you know what they say "god don't make no mistakes". So the bottom line is he is perfectly fine with cancer, child abuse and donald trump.
You gotta live the Christofascist “we need to make our omnipotent creator aware of what’s going on”
Anyway, LOL at the idea that the people that wouldn’t wear a mask during a global pandemic would be willing to sacrifice anything.
Hey, he’s busy with his other hobbies. He can’t pay attention to earth all the time.
That woman needs to get a hobby. And a snootful of Thorazine.
Sure, skip the Twinkies, but HoHo's are still fair game, right?
Yeah, how many millions of people has this "God" Fellow wiped out in a fit of pique? Floods, Plagues, destroying entire cities? Slaughtering first borns?
Maybe not the best person to go to for "Pro Life" arguments.
Please, please, someone take one for the team and take that woman on a date.
Yahweh is a bronze age king - capricious, cruel, arrogant, racist, and needy. But with magic. The humans who created their god couldn't imagine it any other way.
Yes, I know that the earliest books in the bible were early iron age, but the myths, values, magical thinking, and such were much older.
There are like 330,000,000 bajillion people in this country, and allegedly 70+ million voted for Trump to be president again, so clearly there are a buttload of crappy people in America alone. Then there’s Russia, Dutarte in the Philippines, and have you heard about how women are treated in India? Surely, not all lives are precious. The word will lose all meaning.
If only eating ice cream, watching Netflix, and not praying were all it took to preserve abortion rights.
As a child, I was trained in such a religion: one that thought even Southern Baptists were Satan's spawn. But somewhere, around 12 or so, my mother let me decide to go to church or not. She went, my father, totaled confused by it, went and sat beside her and often napped (he was a long-haul trucker most of his life). I got to stay home. Thanks Mom for doing something that I most needed from you: protection from a religion you admired.
Protestants are becoming more Catholic every day.
Have you heard about how women are treated in Texas?
The father, son and holy sperm. Only sperm lives are sacred. Not women.
Only SCOTUS gets privacy rights.