I my first thought: This guy has to be a PE teacher. Even if he's not, rainbow colored acid trip Santa is bringing him a metric shit ton of coal dust to reward the flaming bag of dog shit that is this man's soul. My second thought: Did Megyn Kelly piss in this guy's coffee that morning ?
Everyone&#039;s overlooking the strangest thing about this incident - why is a high school in New Mexico naming itself <i>Cleveland</i>? Is <i>that</i> what they&#039;re aspiring to be like?
Ima have to sing it: &quot;<i>I&#039;m dreaming of a white Christmas...</i>&quot;
OT: Listening to a university chorus sing <i>Sueno con Navidad blanca</i> in shirtsleeve weather in San Jose Costa Rica in December rates as one of my all time ironic Christmas moments.
The father is raising a mixed race family with at least one autistic kid. I&rsquo;m not sure I would have been so calm in the interview with the reporter.
You know <a href="http:\/\/sadhillnews.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2010\/12\/obama-kwanzaa-greetings-happy-celebration-maulana-karenga-sad-hill-news.jpg" target="_blank">whose fault</a> this is, right?
I prefer a just a disembodied talking beard and floating glow in the dark mittens. For handing out presents or grabbing throats.
I my first thought: This guy has to be a PE teacher. Even if he&#039;s not, rainbow colored acid trip Santa is bringing him a metric shit ton of coal dust to reward the flaming bag of dog shit that is this man&#039;s soul. My second thought: Did Megyn Kelly piss in this guy&#039;s coffee that morning ?
<i>&ldquo;Don&rsquo;t you know Santa Clause [sic] is white? Why are you wearing that?&rdquo;</i>
Yet another example teachers teaching the test.
No, but he should also be inpeached. Packerghazzzziii!!
Everyone&#039;s overlooking the strangest thing about this incident - why is a high school in New Mexico naming itself <i>Cleveland</i>? Is <i>that</i> what they&#039;re aspiring to be like?
Rio Rancho? I&#039;m not surprised.
They&#039;re dumber than tumbleweeds in Rio Rancho.
Is that red-state red, or red-under-the-bed red, or are they just alcoholics?
Of course he&#039;s white! Haven&#039;t you ever seen Santa dance?
I&#039;ll go w/ some form of disease. Rosicruceanism? Is that the word I&#039;m thinking of?
For anyone with a Pantone deck, I&#039;ll open the bidding at 196U.
Ima have to sing it: &quot;<i>I&#039;m dreaming of a white Christmas...</i>&quot;
OT: Listening to a university chorus sing <i>Sueno con Navidad blanca</i> in shirtsleeve weather in San Jose Costa Rica in December rates as one of my all time ironic Christmas moments.
The father is raising a mixed race family with at least one autistic kid. I&rsquo;m not sure I would have been so calm in the interview with the reporter.
Mostly at weddings. When he does the chicken dance it&#039;s like watching cranberry sauce slide out of the can.
And all hell&#039;s gonna break loose if any blahs or messicans or non-whiteys try dressing up as Frosty.
That, or rosacea. But &quot;dumbassery&quot; will do too.
You know <a href="http:\/\/sadhillnews.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2010\/12\/obama-kwanzaa-greetings-happy-celebration-maulana-karenga-sad-hill-news.jpg" target="_blank">whose fault</a> this is, right?