Please pass this idea onto the UK - We've seen staff terms and conditions plummet, along with staffing levels, all to 'compete'. Unfortunately our privates still have years on the contracts. Plus they keep tendering non-operational bits off, so now trying to get Contracted out depts to do anything 'not in the contract' is a nightmare.
Weird that prison privatization coincided with Reagan's "war on drugs." If I was a cynical sort of person, I might think those two things were related.
Ironically, private prisons cost more.
Still time to short the stock?
I agree that 'customer' is not the right word. 'Serf' is better term a lot of the time.
CCA need not worry too much. Louisiana is not going to let a perfectly good jail, already built in their state, go to waste.
Obama is soft on crime! Trump will build more, yoooge prisons, to make us safe!(And here come the Willie Horton ads.)
Ex-coal miners ought to fit right in.
...that was the EXACT word I was looking for!!!
Best gist I've gotten all week!
Please pass this idea onto the UK - We've seen staff terms and conditions plummet, along with staffing levels, all to 'compete'. Unfortunately our privates still have years on the contracts. Plus they keep tendering non-operational bits off, so now trying to get Contracted out depts to do anything 'not in the contract' is a nightmare.
Ain't nothin better than kittehs. But this does come close.
This is what REAL JOURNALISM can do, kiddies. Good for MoJo and WaPo, and as always, good for Wonkette for headlining it.
Pray away the gay camp might be fun!
Most prisoners think it feels more like an invisible fist.
Weird that prison privatization coincided with Reagan's "war on drugs." If I was a cynical sort of person, I might think those two things were related.
I seriously think we have OITNB to thank for this. Yes, really.