I would drive past one of those, every day. Pretty much it was just her big ole polkadot underpants showing, right? They had a grinning old man cutout right next to it, with his arms sort of akimbo, and his big cartoony fingers extended, you know, charming-like, as a child might draw hands.

Now, if your imagination is a certain way, it might run to certain kinds of impure thoughts, you could easily imagine the old man was reaching out towards dat plywood ass, with a certain intent.

I'd entertain myself on the rest of the drive doing an old man voice and saying the dirtiest shit. Because Satan, probably.

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Damn fundamentalist!

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He can't just be a nice Jewish boy who went into His Father's business?

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Thanks so much, but a book would probably expose I as the grammatical idiot me is.

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The problem with symbolic issues: you can't compromise. You've either got the Sacred Baby Jebus in His creche on the lawn of city hall or ya don't.

The problem with organized religion: it can't compromise. Either Jebus is Lord, or He isn't.

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<i>Hunter’s speech elicited a chorus of “amens” as Republicans...</i>

Actually, they were probably saying "Ah, Men!". You know how those closet-y those wingnuts are.

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What about the Church of the Fat Lady Bending Over? I see a lot of plywood lawn displays in our neighborhood in honor of the Fat One.

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You would think Jones and the GOP brigands would show a little professional courtesy to their fellow reptile.

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Satan has better things to do at night than to hang around in an empty building.

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<i>"...[the creche] must be put up in the morning and taken down at night. No one volunteered."</i>

Every GI in the War on Christmas knows: Never volunteer.

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Tupac Hunter???WTF has this person been questioned in the shooting and what has Xmas shit got to do with rap music Damn Obama doing it again

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I've never liked nativity scenes, but I'm pretty sure Jesus wasn't too crazy about the whole thing either. I mean, we've all had crappy birthday parties but his first one kind of sucked. Here's Jesus, all freshly born and all, ready to start life as the Messiah and his parents didn't even make a reservation at the Inn. They try to get a walk-in, but the manager is all like, "We're all filled up here, you really should have called ahead. We're really busy around the holidays". So they end up in a crappy old barn with Jesus just lying around in hay and they try to make the best of it but the place really stinks, what with the donkeys and oxen and crap. You would think Mary or Joe might have thought to get a cake, but no, not even a cookie. What a ripoff! Then, even worse, through the whole party, this little Jewish kid was just drumming and drumming like a lunatic. It was enough to drive you crazy.

Well, then the guests start to arrive and you have never seen a filthier group of degenerate desert dwellers in your life. Each one is smellier than the next and they all want to kneel down and get right in Jesus' face. And the gifts! Okay, Uncle Maury was great, he brought gold, but then he was always the successful one. As for everyone else, my God, what were they thinking. Who the hell gives a kid Myrrh? Jesus was like, "Oh great, thanks for all the really cool Myrrh.", but you know he re-gifted that shit when Christmas came around next year.

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Would you please never stop posting? And also too, write a book?

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And Eris.

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