Yeah, I've never completely forgiven her and Joe for how they covered Trump in 2016.

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The decision to have abortions are something that should only be between women and their doctors. </blue-in-the-face>

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That would be a good reason too, yes, and probably not good enough for the forced birth monsters.

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PLEASE tell me these dipshits were called out on EACH AND EVERY line of their bullshit.


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Traditionally in Judaism that has included mental health. So if a woman was in mental anguish from her pregnancy, then an abortion was justified.

Jesus was Jewish. So we know what he thought about abortion.

You do not hear much about that from the foaming at the mouth Christian Nationalists.

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So maybe she should have thought about that when she was fluffing Trump in 2016.Fuck her.

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Are they planning on opening everyone's mail to see if they are getting the day after pill mailed to them? Just wondering how that would work...

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Stupidity like that should be exquisitely painful. Needles-under-the-fingernails painful. Heil Jeebus!

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A googolplex times THIS!!!

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What do you call the person who graduates last in the class from med school? Doctor.

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Expect the asshole Repukes to buy into that stupid shit.

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Jebus will tell them whose mail to open.

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Really what I want to see are headlines where stores, restaurants, and other businesses publicly and on video refuse to serve these people.

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Got my vote!

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So, he is concerned that abortion benefits "unwilling fathers?"

How about unwilling mothers? It's their bodies and they often end up raising their children alone, especially if the father is unwilling?

It seems so odd for this guy to leave women out of his reasoning, while including unwilling fathers.

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