The George Bush Flag is renewed!!! Yay!!!

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This is really late in the thread, but deserves all the fucking ups. You actually had me weighing "Negropolis cocktails" for a couple of moments, but "Freedom cocktails" is the goddam prize-winner.

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"SMOTI" is now an urban dictionary entry. Needz moar upfists.

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He's out for an Invisible Hand job.

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Sorry Bamz, but there is no way I'm from the same family as SMOTI. His genome is much closer to pond scum.

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He's the wussiest, most feckless, least competent omnipotent omnisurveillant tyrant ever to chicken out of a fight that he shouldn't have started by getting elected to clean up the previous President's mess against the express will of 27% of the people.

Got it.

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I love GWP comments ... this is my fav today. I think someone's ready for a trip to ... SINGAPORE

"If we're family, then it's time for some tough love. Whoever's old enough and able bodied enough to work, get to work. Whoever's working better be working hard, School kids, do your homework. Whoever's not married, be home by 10. No back talk. If you don't like the family's rules, we'll help you pack."

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Look guys, if anyone can be trusted to diffuse a high-tension stand-off situation as the nation looks on, it's obviously Dim Jim.

Just ask him.

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Bet he'll miss that chicken when the paternity suit arrives from the pound.

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