Former White Southern Senators Endorse Hopey

Two conservative, Southern ex-Democratic senators have endorsed Barack Obama for president, even though their region of the country still makes its dollar via chattel slavery. Hooray for free blacks from the North running for president! Neither of the two senators, however, was Zell Miller, who has endorsed Gen. "Stonewall" Jackson.
Meet yr Barry endorsers, who each "know stuff" about the various issues:
Sam Nunn, ex-Senator from Georgia, chair of the Armed Services Committee from 1987-1995. "We need a president who has the temperament of a leader -- a sharp, incisive, strategic mind, a rare capacity for self criticism, and a willingness to hear contrary points of view." And I can be his white Southern vice president!
David Boren, ex-Senator from Oklahoma, former chair of the Select Committee on Intelligence (smartypants elitist!). "Senator Obama is also a person of sound and good judgment. He had the good judgment more than five years ago to warn against our involvement in this tragic and costly war. He also understands the need to repair our partnerships with other nations and to more effectively use diplomacy to serve our national interests." And I can be his white Southern vice president!
Areyoua relic of the old Southern Democratic establishment and didyouonce hold key positions involving foreign & military affairs? Endorse Barry today andyou might winfour years as Barry's white vice president!
Nunn, Boren back Obama [Boston Globe]