The most chilling part of that post is his admitting — rejoicing even — that the prisons in El Salvador are hellholes.

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As kids, my sisters and I were frequently reminded by our grandmothers that we had inherited memberships in the DAR, the FFV, and the Children of the Mayflower. Those first two were just letters to us, but the Mayflower one inspired your expected pilgrim fantasies, minus the lethal diseases and very much plus hot indigenous boys in scanty outfits. To our grandmothers' disappointment, we never pursued anything involving these societies, instead following our radical mom's course of rejecting anything like hereditary aristocracy.

Now, however, I wonder. Where the hell would Trump deport the three of us TO? Plymouth, Massachusetts? Wherever George Mason (distant, perhaps mythical ancestor) signed the Declaration? Perhaps...Philadelphia?

Has he really thought this through? (I know. Rhetorical question.)

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"[W]onder if tourism-related businesses are begging Trump not to be such an asshole?"

Begging won't do anything. **Paying** is what gets results.

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Trump can't figure out how to sell "giant gas ovens you arrive at via train car" to the MAGA crowd so he's just going with illegal expatriation instead.

NPR has been having commenters debating "are we in a constitutional crysis yet" all week...There's no debate, we drove past that sign weeks ago.

Welcome to the fascist states of America folks.

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Elon is a big boy He should have known the affect his actions with DOGE would have on Tesla sales and stock. It was his choice. So now Daddy is going to throw people in jail for not buying a Tesla. Really??

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It won't end with Tesla. I think we all know this is a warm-up.

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Ya know, even if one of my family members dies, I am NOT going back to the States until this whole administration is shitcanned and things return to normal. Being American, I have an American passport as well as my British permanent residency card to easily get back into the UK when I come home—I'm assuming I'd be deemed some kind of "foreign agent" by these idiots at the border. I'd DEFINITELY be detained if they saw my social media posts.

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I am even worried about flying domestically in the US now. Highly-controlled security environments where everyone has to show ID seems great for picking anybody off.

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Scary times in the 'ol US of A

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Gotta say…while I understand some need to protect the identity of people who work in sensitive jobs, if you have to wear a mask just so people won’t hate you then maybe you chose the wrong career.

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Foreign governments should probably be warning women of child bearing age to exercise caution traveling in much of the US as well. Sooner or later someone will be arrested for attempting to procure an abortion because they have a miscarriage, or are found to be carrying "morning after" pills that were legally prescribed in their country.

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"The legal status and regulation of some medicines prescribed or bought in the UK can be different in other countries.

You cannot take some prescription drugs into the US. The US Food and Drug Administration provides information on bringing medicines into the US.

UK prescriptions are not valid in the US. To get pharmacy drugs, you need a prescription from a US provider (available from an urgent care facility, emergency room or a doctor)."


The fda link has been scrubbed and is page not found.


"Travellers should carry a copy of their prescription together with a covering letter from their doctor. If supplies are needed whilst abroad, a pharmacy or health care provider should be consulted for advice. "


Currently you can take misoprostol, mifepristone and birth control pills out of the UK but who knows if you take it into the USA.

So yeah its a mess and its going to cause problems.

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Attacking the Germans, I just can't imagine. They are the world's travelers. The weather pretty much sucks in Germany and they have one of those wealthy socialist countries with luxurious vacation time, so they travel, a lot. Whenever you hear about a disaster anywhere in the world, some German tourists will be there, possibly victims, maybe witnesses. Now we have chased them away. The Canadians are also reducing their visits to the US. It feels so sad because I am more of an exchange of cultures kind of gal. I hate these angry homogenous freaks

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Sir is absolutely Hitlerious!

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I notice how ICE and the Border Patrol always deny these stories.

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They're liars.

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That scum filth.

He's been deservedly despised all his life, including by members of his own family, and now he's on a revenge rampage. An infantile one, but that doesn't mean he's hurting people any less.

If there is a hell, he can be sure of his place on a hot grid.

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The concepts of passports and visas are now null and void in the US. Along with other trifles like defense attorneys, decent prison conditions and human rights in general.

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Uh, this is true at any border crossing anywhere in the world: "The final decision regarding entry is made by the US border official.”

There were screams down here in Mexico when the "border jumpers" (who assumed they'd always be given 180 days entry on as tourists, so lived here full time... just leaving for a day or so every six months) started finding themselves given only a week, or a few days, or just turned back.

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