As a mommyblog dedicated to Strong Christian Principles® and Also Booze, your Wonkette feels it is our duty to inform you that it has not been easy being a Christian in America as of late.
And after she loses the presidential race for the third time, she will retreat to her kitchen, muttering, "I coulda been a confection. Instead I'm a bun."
Cakes are a cultural battleground. Ten years from now the Reptard response to President Warren's SOTU address will be from a combat veteran baker who wore flour bags over her shoes and castrated cake penises. She will give the camera a thousand-yard stare and talk about the growing up with Twinkies and how the Ho-Hos were simply entrepreneurs who had sex rammed down their throats. Then she'll pause, blink back tears, and say "there are no atheists in donut holes".
Eww. Someone needs to wipe their ass. And see a doctor, because if you're leaking teriyaki sauce, you have problems.
"Me-damnit, you idiots. I know I had a bad connection back then, but for the last time, I hate Jags!" --God
Apparently, the Father of Love prefers Aston Martins...
And after she loses the presidential race for the third time, she will retreat to her kitchen, muttering, "I coulda been a confection. Instead I'm a bun."
Yep, it&#039;s a thing: <a href="" target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="">
Lots of interesting things can be done with ingredients, also too.
So I guess in that final showdown Betty Crocker had the faster roundhouse kick.
Yeah, somehow I don&#039;t see Tom Laughlin exactly embracing this dude&#039;s cry for justice.
Nothing says &quot;I take my faith seriously&quot; like making a cake out of it.
One tin Klingenschmitt rides away.
Who will bake my atheist cake-shaped cake with the word &quot;Meh&quot; written on it?
Sadly, I get the reference.
Who will bake my Koran shaped God Hates Wingnuts cake?
Cakes are a cultural battleground. Ten years from now the Reptard response to President Warren&#039;s SOTU address will be from a combat veteran baker who wore flour bags over her shoes and castrated cake penises. She will give the camera a thousand-yard stare and talk about the growing up with Twinkies and how the Ho-Hos were simply entrepreneurs who had sex rammed down their throats. Then she&#039;ll pause, blink back tears, and say &quot;there are no atheists in donut holes&quot;.
So what is the ingredient that goes into the icing that makes it so .... creamy?
But then he won&#039;t get his 15 minutes of fame on the wingnut circuit. What do you think he is, a reasonable person?
Yeast you could do, huh?