Christofascist Groyper Excited To Rip Us From Our Homes 'For Being Degenerate Liars'
Dalton Clodfelter is a real sweetheart.
If there is one thing that we can count on in this life, it is that everything conservatives claim we want to do to them is something they actually want to do to us. The reason for this is obvious — everyone assumes that other people basically operate the same way they do. They think the only reason we supported mask mandates and encouraged vaccines was because of some dark desire to control them and get them to "comply" — when really, that's never been our kink. They're the ones who are devoted to social hierarchies and getting people they think are beneath them to do what they say. They cry that we're censoring them because we don't let them go on social media and threaten or harass people, and then they literally go and defund a library over some books they don't like.
For years they've been fretting over the jackbooted thugs they believe we will someday send to rip them from their homes, ostensibly for loving Jesus too much in some capacity. And yet, they're the ones dreaming of Trump declaring martial law, and holding mass arrests and public executions of dissidents while they sit back and "enjoy the show," or fantasizing about ripping us from our homes for being "degenerate liars."
That last one is the current fantasy of Nick Fuentes disciple Dalton Clodfelter, who, if not for his apparent inability to grow a mustache, might make one wonder if The Boys From Brazil was in fact a documentary.
Via RightWingWatch:
“Once we take our country back, we will have federal agents kicking down the doors of every treasonous Democrat, every treasonous globalist, every homosexual couple that has molested a child, and they will be arrested, and they will be sentenced to prison,” Clodfelter declared . “I believe in a far right-authoritarian government. No, I am not a fascist. No, I am not a white supremacist. No, I am not a Nazi. But I do believe that hierarchy, structure, and authority are very important. I do believe that our society needs these things in order to progress and maintain its cultural framework.”
“I believe that our society needs this in order to rid itself of the sexual immorality and blatant degeneracy running rampant all throughout the country,” he continued. “Once we take control, we will identify our enemies, and we will stomp them into the dirt. They will not be able to return to power. We will rip them from their offices. We will rip them from their homes for being degenerate liars, degenerate treasonous domestic terrorists because that is what they are.”
“We want to take back the country and re-establish a Christ-like nation,” Clodfelter asserted. “A nation where the national religion is Christian. A nation where the national language is English. A nation where pornography is banned, homosexuality is banned, and transgenderism is banned. Where you will never see a college that isn’t a Christian college. The only college acceptable that you are able to go to is a Christian school because every school in these United States should teach Christian values. Every school should teach the 10 Commandments in elementary school. Every school should promote what it means to be a Christian to the youth of America. It cannot be any other way. There should be no secular teaching in the schools.”
You know, ultimately, this just strikes me as the rantings of an incredibly lonely person. So lonely that they need to get federal agents involved to force everyone to believe the stupid and cruel things they believe, join their religion and stop having sex. Really. What has to be missing in someone's life that this is the way they want to live? That these are the words that come out of their mouth? Imagine being 21 years old and this rotten inside.
This twerp has a nightly program on the far-right Stew Peters Network. He, like Fuentes, has an audience. It's not a large audience just yet, but it's there and there are so, so many of these angry young men right now who are just straight up choosing fascism (even if they say they're not fascist). It's a lot easier to develop these ideas when one is spending all one's time in these internet cesspools, because one of the ways we refine our views of the world is by discussing them with others. It's one thing to say these things to a camera, for an audience that is also not all there, or to write them in an internet forum of like-minded creeps, it's another to say them to the face of a normal person.
There have got to be better role models for young men out there than the Groypers and Andrew Tate but I'm not sure who they are.
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"I believe in a far right-authoritarian government. No, I am not a fascist."
"I believe in hitting a small white ball into holes with a specially designed stick. No, I am not a golfer". People who believe in far right authoritarian government is the definition of a fascist, you fascist. Words mean things.
"We want to take back the country and re-establish a Christ-like nation,” Clodfelter asserted.
So...a nation where rich people voluntarily give away all their money? Care of poor and vulnerable people is prioritised over profit? Compassion, humility and forgiveness are prized, and judging others is frowned on? Performative religious observance is regarded with disgust? Love of money is explicitly condemned as the root of all evil? Those who hurt others are shunned? Everyone does their best to live by the actual teachings of Christ?
IOW, the exact opposite of what you want.
There's some very disturbing articles about how some men treat realistic sex dolls. Repairers frequently see stab "wounds". These people need therapy, not sex.