What's Jared Kushner Doing All Up In Trump's Porn Star Pecker Payoffs? Funny You Should Ask!
Quick, read all the updates on this story before we get more dumb criminal updates!
"The people have got to know whether or not their president is a murderer. Well, I'm not a murderer. I've earned everything I've got and never once committed armed robbery." -- Donald Trump, tomorrow. PROBABLY.
We've now reached the stage of the Trump administration where the president's defenders are cold calling reporters to tell them to quit making such a big deal, because HELLO, THERE'S NO DEAD BODY. (Yet.)
"Nobody got killed, nobody got robbed… This was not a big crime," Giuliani told The Daily Beast on Wednesday. He added, sardonically, "I think in two weeks they'll start with parking tickets that haven't been paid."
This is also the stage where there is a new OMG, breaking ! every ninety minutes. So let's type fast to run down the latest on Trump's backroom fuckery with The National Enquirer before this tabloid stuff metastasizes any further.
Last month, the Wall Street Journal reported that Trump met personally with David Pecker, CEO of the Enquirer's parent company American Media, Inc. (AMI) in August 2015. Would Donny's old pal David like to become an unofficial member of Team Trump? HE WOULD.
What can you do to help my campaign? he asked, according to people familiar with the meeting.
Mr. Pecker, chief executive of American Media Inc., offered to use his National Enquirer tabloid to buy the silence of women if they tried to publicize alleged sexual encounters with Mr. Trump.
Well, there goes Trump's defense that he was just racing to buy up those stories to protect poor, delicate Melania -- ten full years after rawdogging a pornstar while she was home recovering from childbirth. Would that be the same meeting described in AMI's corporate immunity deal published five minutes after Cohen got flayed in open court by SDNY prosecutors?
In or about August 2015, David Pecker, the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of AMI, met with Michael Cohen, an attorney for a presidential candidate, and at least one other member of the campaign. At the meeting, Pecker offered to help deal with negative stories about the presidential candidate's relationship with women by, among other things, assisting the campaign in identifying such stores so they could be purchased and their publication avoided. Pecker agreed to keep Cohen apprised of any such negative stories.
Why yes, IT WOULD. NBC News confirms that "at least one other member of the campaign" was the Very Stable Genius himself, who was bound and determined to leave his greasy fingerprints all over a conspiracy to commit campaign finance fraud.
Donald Trump was the third person in the room in August 2015 when his lawyer Michael Cohen and National Enquirer publisher David Pecker discussed ways Pecker could help counter negative stories about Trump's relationships with women, NBC News has confirmed.
For a guy who watches twenty hours of television a day, Individual 1 sure does get around! Naturally our tabloid trash president's relationship with the trash tabloid goes back decades, with Trump allegedly feeding Pecker stories and having negative stories about him killed. Trump has even written a column for the magazine, although not the infamous one accusing Ted Cruz's dad of assassinating JFK.
I can't wait until it comes out that AMI made an unlawful campaign contribution at Trump's request by running the "… https: //t.co/qUYKVrSKNR
— Susan Simpson (@Susan Simpson) 1544645238.0
During the campaign, The Daily Beast reports, Michael Cohen was TrumpWorld's conduit to the magazine. But once Cohen got exiled to the hinterlands, Trump turned to his multi-tasking son-in-law Jared Kushner to pick up the slack. You know, in all J-Kush's free time when he wasn't solving the Middle East and fixing technology and opioids and trying to get warlords to bail out his family's poor real estate investments.
Shortly after the 2016 presidential election, Donald Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner was handed a task considered critical to the president's operations. In addition to serving as a senior adviser in the White House, he would also be playing the role of the main conduit between Trump and his friend David Pecker , the National Enquirer publisher and chief executive of AMI, which prosecutors said on Wednesday admitted to making a $150,000 hush-money payment " in concert with " the Trump campaign.
During the early months of the Trump era, Kushner performed the task admirably, discussing with Pecker various issues over the phone, including everything from international relations to media gossip, according to four sources familiar with the situation. Pecker, for his part, bragged to people that he was speaking to the president's son-in-law and, more generally, about the level of access he had to the upper echelons of the West Wing, two sources with knowledge of the relationship recounted.
Lucky thing Jared had experience cosplaying newspaper editor, so he knew Pecker from way back in the day. Hey, remember that fun time when Joe Scarborough accused the National Enquirer of threatening to run a damaging story on him and his wife/co-host Mika Brzezinski unless they called up President Diaper Shits and apologized for the negative coverage ASAP? That was Jared.
As The Daily Beast reported last year , Kushner was one of the senior officials who privately spoke to Scarborough about the matter. According to two White House officials, Scarborough had "calmly sought" advice from Kushner, who "recommended he speak with the president." Scarborough did not know that Kushner had also been directly in touch with the Enquirer 's publisher at the time, according to a source familiar with the matter.
Remember when the AP reported that Pecker had a safe full of damaging stories on Trump that he was holding for not-at-all-blackmail purposes? Remember that Pecker and his villainous henchman Dylan Howard flipped and have now spilled their guts to the nice people at SDNY?
Karma's a bitch, ain't she!
Gosh, wonder what the White House had to give Pecker and AMI in return for all that flattering coverage. Remind us, New York Times , what's the connection again?
In July [2017], David J. Pecker, the chairman of the company that owns The National Enquirer, visited his old friend President Trump at the White House.
The tabloid publisher took along a special guest, Kacy Grine, a French businessman who advises one of Saudi Arabia's richest men and sometimes acts as an intermediary between Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and Western businesses.
The two men and other Pecker associates chatted with the president in the Oval Office and briefly met with Mr. Trump's son-in-law and Middle East envoy, Jared Kushner.
Just about the same time AMI put its special edition of Tiger Beat 's Hottest Despot in every Walmart checkout line in America.

Pecker was hitting up the Saudis for cash to prop up AMI and possibly finance a bid to buy Time magazine, and who better to vouch for him than Prince Bone Saw's BFF Jared? Of freakin' course! That train is never late.
And now, Your Wonkette will go check Twitter to see what other fuckery these grifters got up to since we started typing. Which is probably exactly what the prosecutors at SDNY and the New York AG's office spent their morning doing.
[ The Daily Beast / Wall Street Journal / AMI Immunity Letter / NBC / NYT ]
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You really ought to use the Snark font when you say things like that..
I agree. It must be much worse if you're the mom, too.