Now with Kerning!
[wonkbar]a href="https: //"[/wonkbar]We have a Special Celebrity Guest Comment of the Week this week, from the very person who we wrote about right here at Yr Wonkette! Thursday, we ran a story about Matthew Keys, a jerkbaby who was convicted of computer criming for distributing his LA Times administrator login and password to an Anonymous chatroom and encouraging the e-vandals there to go "fuck some shit up" at the newspaper. Well, darned if Mr. Matthew Keys didn't show up in our very own comments to deliver unto us a SICK BURN:

[wonkbar]a href="https: //"[/wonkbar]Well, he sure got us! We definitely did link to a story he wrote in 2014, and it's true: We liked him a lot better when he did journalism than when he started begging the vile hive of scum and villainy to please vandalize a newspaper's website for teh lulz. If he does other non-hooligan stuff in the future, we might even like him again!
But thanks for the note, Matt, and also for visiting Rebecca's Facebook to make sure she knew you'd left us a comment!

We haven't been this honored since that time one of the honchos from the League of the South complained to us his own self that we were promoting Southern Genocide!
[wonkbar]a href="https: //"[/wonkbar]Wonkette is unable to send prizes to prison addresses, so we will award this week's token of appreciation to our runner-up, Wonkette Operative "Latverian Diplomat," who had this pithy reply to our story about Phyllis Schlafly's daughter (and others) trying tokick Schlafly right out of the Eagle Forum, the rightwing family values group founded by Schalfly a million years ago:

You have truly earned your Wonkette totebag. Do we ship to Latveria? Congratulations, and send your mailing info to Yr Editrix atRebecca at-sign wonkette dot com.
Now buy Yr Wonkette a drink, you drunks, it's the weekend.
I think Clinton will make a great President, just like Obama has been - certainly she's a preferable choice to anything the Republicans are offering. My personal preference for Sanders is not outweighed by my pragmatic stance that Democrat is better than anything else, and I don't think Sanders is the perfect candidate. I do think that trying to push the ludicrous stance that the Pope meeting with Sanders is something lowers the Pope's standing is offensive, though.
And, unless I'm very much mistaken, neither Frank nor myself can vote for either Sanders or Clinton, so it's really a moot point. In addition to which, your repeated attempts at self-victimisation seem a trifle pathetic - no one is yelling at you, sir. People's intended use of swearing and tone is hard to gauge over the interwebz, due to the lack of tone, nuance and facial features, but also due to conflicting cultures. Where I'm from, it's the height of familial affection to address a mate as 'cunt' - I refrain from the practice because it is offensive to me to do so, but cultural relativism allows me to understand it is not strictly understood to be offensive, but is merely a part of ordinary discourse.
My belief is that in this case, you've mistakenly exaggerated the level of animosity against yourself, and blown the responses' intended level of rudeness out of proportion. Of course, you're still a dumb fuck if you really think that Sanders meeting with the Pope is just one line too far to cross for the Pope, but you do you, sir.