Oh. Fuck.
Sound the sad trombone for Carly Fiorina, because her puddle of deep doggy doo she's already drowning in just turned into a bottomless shit pit. You know how she has been lying all the lies about a video of Planned Parenthood doing badness to an aborted "fully formed fetus on the table, its heart beating, its legs kicking, while someone says we have to keep it alive to harvest its brain"? Everyone -- literally, every single person in America, pretty much -- has said, "No, Carly, you did not see a video of that, because no such thing exists." But Carly and her campaign found this completely other video made by this completely otheranti-choice group, purportedly of a just-aborted leg-kicking fetus. Sure, it wasn't filmed at Planned Parenthood, and, OK, no one is talking about harvesting its brain. But pffft, says Carly, how dare the "liberal media" focus on a mere "technicality." So BOO HISS Planned Parenthood, and save the leg-kicking aborted fetuses. And look, here is the entire "unedited" (but huh, still edited somehow) video of that "aborted" fetus. Except nope, even that is a lie.
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Gregg Cunningham is the founder of the anti-choice Center for Bio-Ethical Reform, which collects stock footage of fetuses so all the other anti-choice fetus fetishist perverts can use the graphic imagery to say, "See, abortion is gross!" On Monday, he released to TIME the 13-minute video from which this supposed aborted fetus footage was taken. Cunningham insists that this is definitely a video of an abortion, but if you watch the video -- which, yes, is graphic ( TRIGGER WARNING FOR GORY BLOODY VAGINA DELIVERING A TINY PREMATURE FETUS ) -- it does not look like an abortion at all. It looks like a miscarriage:

We are not a doctor, or even a scientist, but anonymous lady person on the Twitters says she is, and she does a whole lot of doctorsplaining about how the video of an aborted fetus is in no way a video of an aborted fetus. And she is not the only doctor doing doctorsplaining about how this video of an abortion is in no way a video of an abortion. Tell us the reasons, Dr. Jen Gunter:
Here are all the issues with the video from start to finish:
It is illegally and clandestinely shot.I feel very badly for the poor woman in question and wonder why Fiorina and our elected officials are not as outraged as I am about her violation and exploitation. I had second thoughts about watching it myself given the lack of consent from the woman, however, I felt if I could end the conversation about it faster by weighing in. Time magazine or Slate have links.
The prep of the patient.The physician (I’m assuming) pours surgical prep/cleaner on the woman’s perineum. We don’t do that anymore for spontaneous deliveries or for abortions that involve induction of labor. This tells me this video is at least 15 years old or from another country.
The delivery.It is a spontaneous delivery as the operator waits for the fetus to be expelled. This is what we do with a previable premature delivery. If this were shot mid way through a 2nd trimester abortion (meaning the Laminaria in the cervix, which are osmotic sticks that help the cervix dilate, had just been removed) it is highly unlikely the operator would have waited for a spontaneous expulsion.
The cord is clamped on the fetal side. If this were an abortion it would just be cut . Really. No one ever does this with an abortion as it serves no purpose.
Waiting for the placenta.The clamp is left on the placental end and at the end of the video the placenta still hasn’t delivered. If this were an abortion the placenta would be removed with suction immediately, no one would wait 11 minutes. Ever. Every abortion clinic has a suction machine.
There is no proof this video is in a Planned Parenthood clinic never mind in the United States. This could easily be an operating room.
Dr. Jen Gunter, you may recall, is the same smarty-pants lady doctor who edumacated us about that time Dr. Ben Carson, who is very much against using fetal tissue for research because BABY PARTS, published a research paper that relied on, you guessed it, BABY PARTS. Dr. Gunter is smart and doctorly, and we trust her Hot Takes a whole heck of a lot more than we trust some anti-abortion activist sick perv collector of ladies bleeding from their wherevers, because that dude is one sick twisted fuck, plus also a liar, like pretty much most "pro-life" activists.
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Now let's wrap this up all neat and pretty and stick a bow on it, shall we? Carly Fiorina has claimed, over and over and OVER AND OVER again, that she watched, with her own eye sockets, a video of an aborted fetus, left to die on a table while a cruel heartless bastard Planned Parenthood doctor talks about how best to murder it to death and seize its brain. Not a single one of those things is true. There's no Planned Parenthood doctor plotting how to steal BRAINZ!!! There isn't even an abortion. And this still has nothing to do with Planned Parenthood.
True, Carly Fiorina ain't no medical ladyparts doctor, so we don't expect her to know all those details Dr. Jen Gunter is talking about. But. BUT! It has been explained and proven and demonstrated and explained again that Carly never saw that thing she says she saw because it doesn't exist. Even the "aborted fetus" video she wants to pretend is the thing she was talking about isn't an aborted fetus video. And every time Fiorina says, "Yes, I did TOO see that," she is lying. There's no other way to put it. She is -- say it with us now, kids -- A LYING LIAR. Tell your friends.
[ TIME / Dr. Jen Gunter ]
you're right! I wonder what sort of high jinx the cat was witnessing to evoke that snagged-toothed look. I wasn't able to watch Chowder for long since Comcast took Cartoon Network away from the basic package. He reminded me of one of my sons with his goofiness (the other reminded me of "Skipper" from Penguins of Madagascar, although fortunately, he doesn't share his disdain for hippies.)
What is really telling is that it isn't just anybody who is acknowledging that the video is of a miscarriage -- it is the mother herself and she is a pro-lifer. And yes, she says that it was filmed and released without her consent. Thanks for the cite, LT.