Our pals at the Village Voice's Running Scared blog have done some journalism: they have actually listened to Bill Cosby's old albums, until they found a HILARIOUS bit about how AWESOME it would be to have a drug you could put in ladies' drinks until they wanted to fuck you! (Or passed out, puking themselves, on a couch, while you fucked them. Six of one ...)
Poor old Coz has just had a hell of a couple months since decades-old allegations that he poisoned and raped more than a dozen women popped back into our collective conscience. Why, he may not even get to have another show about a family patriarch who yells at his children to pull up their sagging pants and also the Jello Pudding.
Now let's listen to his hilarious comedy about how great a sex drug would be if you could put it into women's drinks until they became zombies, like Crazy Mary, going "unhhhhhhhh" (but read that in a SEXY zombie way!).
Oh, man, so funny. Buh-bye Bill Cosby. Go to jail.
[ VillageVoice ]
Do not pass Go!
Do not collect $200.
Good news everyone! We now have a video exposing Obama's plans to confiscate food - all of it - in the lower right corner. He'll stop at nothing to take all us fatties' food away.