It's been one hell of a week, and we bet your weekend would be greatly enhanced by catching up on some of Yr. Wonkette's top stories that you may have missed while "working" or lost in a post-election drunken stupor (some of you may still be in one of those, and we don't blame you!). So here are our ten most-shared stories from the Facebook . Don't see your personal favorite here? Next week, click harder. Share your favorites: You'll take a stand for excellence in snark, outrage your rightwing uncle, and help us get beautiful, beautiful pageviews. And so, our weekly Top Ten!
10: Peggy Noonan remembered how graciously people in Olden Tymesaccepted being quarantined, not like today's uppity Ebola nurses with their "rights" and their "medical knowing stuff."
9: On Election day, we dreamed of a tied Senate and anigh-omnipotent Old Handsome Joe Biden. Those were such heady, hope-filled days, back on Tuesday.
8: The dayafter the Great Republicanning, Democrats were talking about maybe acting like Democrats for a change, and the ghost of Will Rogers smiled as everyone remembed his line about not belonging to any organized political party.
7: Scott Brown became the first man ever tolose two Senate elections to women, and we reminded him of that t-shirt we like: "Don't think of it as losing to a girl. Just think of it as losing. "
6: A mentally unstable man in Oklahomatried to behead a guy who he thought was a witch, and nobody seemed to think it meant all Christians are murderous thugs.
5: Mitch McConnell would like to be Senate Majority Leader, and who knows,maybe Ted Cruz will let him do that.
4: James Lankford is Oklahoma's new senator, andYr Editrix knows just how terrible he will be.
3: With the reelections of Pat Roberts, Sam Brownback, and Kris Kobach, we found ourselves asking once again,"What's the matter with Kansas?"
2: Mitch McConnell and John Boehner wrote anop-ed piece with lots of new ideas, like repealing Obamacare, killing Obamacare, and drowning Obamacare in a bathtub. And immigration reform, which will come out of committee as an Obamacare repeal.
1: We welcomed a newTop Idiot In Congress, Senator Joni Ernst. Dear god, six years of that laugh.
<a href="http:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2014\/11\/captain-america.png" target="_blank">Great photo or greatest photo?</a> Discuss.
For me I was in a post election drunken stupor and working. I don&#039;t know why one would exclude the second.