Remember that time Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Canada) was all, "Say health careone more time, and I will shut this government DOWN !" and also something aboutGreen Eggs and Hamand Nazis?
Nuh uh, no you donot, because Cruz would never be so reckless and irresponsible as to suggest the government should have nothing to do with health care because FREEDOM. That's not leadership, and Cruz is all about leadership. Especially the presidential kind, cough cough, wink wink, nudge nudge, YEAH WE KNOW, CRUZ WANTS TO BE PRESIDENT!
That's why Cruz is leadershipping so hard in response to President Obama's announcement that he will appoint an Ebola czar to coordinate all the government agencies tasked with dealing with this mess (which is mostly in Africa, but that doesn't count). Obama had to Do A Thing because the entire rightwing will not shut up about it. The folks at Fox and on the interwebs know for A Fact we are all dying this second of the terrifying African disease from Africa, spread by African Africans just like Obama, who is African and hates America and dear lord will these people never stop? (No. The answer is no.)
We don't need another so-called 'czar'; we need presidential leadership. This is a public health crisis, and the answer isn't another White House political operative. The answer is a commander in chief who stands up and leads, banning flights from Ebola-afflicted nations and acting decisively to secure our southern border. The Ebola outbreak shouldn't be treated as yet another partisan battle by the White House; rather, we should come together in bipartisan unity to take these common-sense steps to protect the American people. And if the President will not act, if he will not lead, then Congress should immediately reconvene for an emergency session to enact a flight ban and take any other necessary measures to protect the health and safety of Americans.
Right on, amen, and hells yes! Right now -- and at no other time in history -- the government has a duty to Do A Thing about Americans facing a public health crisis. And if stupid Obama insists on listening to the director of the Centers for Disease Control instead of Bill O'Reilly, Cruz will have no choice but to launch his 2016 presidential campaign right this second to save America.
And really, who better to just now discover the government serves a purpose and should maybe sometimes do stuff than the guy who wanted to shut it down because doing stuff is the last thing the government should ever do? Cruz knows what he's talking about; he's the Republican Party's designated Smart Guy. He went to Harvard and everything, unlike some presidents who also went to Harvard.
So while Obama might be trying to abuse his power by appointing some dude to sit in on meetings and forward emails with "Ebola" in the subject line, Cruz knows a True Leadershipful President would simply bring down the banhammer and keep Africans and their African diseases out of America. Fuck yeah!
Becausethatis how you president. Or at least how you get your campaign started, before your fellow Republican competitors, especially the ophthalmologist-slash-viral-diseases-expert kind, can save our nation from Obama's Ebola with their completely hysterical (and, footnote, totally wrong) ideas.
Ready for 2016 or not, it's already here. Just like Ebola.
Oh honey. If he came back to Canada he'd be a shining star in our right-wing shit-muffin of a federal government. Dear Leader Stephen Harper would come fast and hard at the chance to have a fellow ideologue like Ted along for the ride.
Perhaps the anchor baby and his playmates would like to get their asses back to Washington and perhaps DO THEIR JOBS if they are not happy with what the "kenyan dictator" is doing...