Here is an extra-sweet extra-nice nice time story to make us all say "Awwwwwwwww." (Youwillsay "Awwwwwwwww," especially if you click that link to go look at the picture. Yr Wonkette money-back guarantees it.)
After 72 years -- yes, that's right,72 years! -- together, Vivian Boyack and Alice “Nonie” Dubes tied the knot, in their wheelchairs, holding hands, on Saturday at the First Christian Church in Davenport, Iowa. They met and fell in love in when they they were practically kids, and they've been together ever since. Vivian was an elementary school teacher, and Nonie worked in the payroll department at the local paper.
"I signed the paychecks for everybody, including Bill Wundram," Nonie boasted. (No, we didn't know who Bill Wundram is either, but we Googled it for you, and he is a local columnist, so that seems like a pretty big small-town deal, and seriously, how great is Nonie, don't you just want to kiss her?)
Iowa, in case you'd forgotten, undermined the sanctity of everyone's marriage in 2009, and the couple finally decided to make honest women out of each other.
Dubes said the two have enjoyed their life together and over the years they have traveled to all 50 states, all the provinces of Canada, and to England twice.
“We’ve had a good time,” Dubes said.
Boyack said it takes a lot of love and work to keep a relationship going for 72 years.
We wish you two crazy kids the very best of luck. All together now: "Awwwwwwwww."
[ Quad City Times via The Guardian via Wonkette tipster Edward]
this is all very well and weepy but why are we not covering <i>scotland</i>???
and much more pertinently, WHO GETS WHO???
this will not be the last time i post this i&#039;m sure.
this pic with piles of kitten photoshopped around their feet. Awwwwwww purrrfection!