John McCain is very upset with that wimpy Barack Obama for not announcing a new policy of bombing the ever-lovin' bejeezus out of ISIS everywhere, and immediately after the President's presser today, the Senator From Constant Seething just couldn't wait to let us know that Obama was Morally Weak:
OK, yes, ISIS is like the Evil League of Evil married the Legion of Doom and they all ate beans together, we got it. And Barack Obama is doing nothing! Except bombing them and building alliances and stuff, but not nearly enough bombing. If only we could have the same Barack Obama back who did such a terrific job of getting us out of Iraq that John McCain had to give the credit to someone else:
And there you have it. George Bush gets the credit for bringing home the troops, Barack Obama gets the blame for bringing home the troops.
Now, could we please just bomb somebody, please?
Well, you know what they say: When the only tool in your kit is a bomber, everything looks like a target.
Since nobody wants ISIS running their town, maybe the US should just drop a few million handguns on the occupied areas. We could ask the wingnuts to donate their guns, to the cause of a more polite Iraqi society! How's that for a win-win?
Never saw a problem they couldn't bomb.