The Ferguson Police Department sure is sorry about "the loss of Michael Brown's life that occurred this past Saturday." Why, they surely do mourn that loss of his life that occurred this past Saturday -- just one of those things for which nobody's responsible, you know how it is, shit happens. They are really mighty sad about the whole thing, but black people, can you maybe try being respectful?Like, we don't know, maybe get down on your knees, hands in the air? And never forget to call your betters "ma'am" and "sir."
Let us have a look-see at the Ferguson, MO, police department's latest statement, because it is one fuck of a doozy.

What's that further down, after that beginning part about how sorry the Ferguson PD is about the mysterious and passive-voiced loss of Michael Brown's life? Why, it is the Ferguson PD saying, "We ask that any groups wishing to assemble in prayer or in protest do so only during daylight hours in an organized and respectful manner." We personally have no beef with a curfew, if'n they wanted to implement one. But Ferguson PD can take its "respectful" manner and ram it up its ass with an unlubed police baton.
When your town is two-thirds black, your police force is almost exclusively white, and you've taken to the streets in tanks like it's fucking Fallujah, you need to hush your cracker mouth about "respect."
[ Laura Hettiger / pic stoled from Gawker ]
I believe it was called the Sunset Law-- as in "Don't let the sun set on your head in this town, BOY."
Cops are crediting those gunshots to "Unknown Suspects".