Jerald Hill, president of Windermere Baptist Conference Center in Bo[o]ne County, Missouri, may soon have a lot more time to spend with his family, since he got arrested for trying to make love to a dog.
The investigation began last week when the task force got a tip that someone had posted an ad on Craigslist looking for two types of animals with which to have sex, Perkins said. One of the animals he sought was a dog. Perkins declined to say what other type of animal Hill sought.
Was it a mule? No, that was anti-abortion leader, secessionist, and former Georgia gubernatorial (unsuccessful, aw) candidate Neal Horsley who fucks actual mules.
Was it a dolphin? No, that was your mom.
Was it whatever kind of animal Mississippi Senator Thad Cochran used to fuck as a lad? Unknown-unknown!
Was it a chicken? Maybe.
Please leave your dogfucker puns and your best guess as to the type of husbandry Hill wished to perform on the second, and so-far unknown, animal in the comments.
[ ColumbiaTribune via wonket operative "Paul"]
The lord is my Shepard...I shall not want. Hubba hubba!
They do...that's why they don't get pregnant when sanctimonious hypocrites rape them. Science!