Turns out that Eric Holder is turning into the Obama administration's very own Spiro Agnew. He hasn't quite achieved Agnew's level of verbal brutality -- Hunter S. Thompson called Agnew "a flat-out, knee-crawling thug with the morals of a weasel on speed" -- but for these degraded times, Holder ain't bad. He took on Louie Gohmert and disparaged his asparagus, and now he's refudiated Sarah Palin's eloquent argument in favor of impeaching Barack Obama for arrogantly not shooting Guatemalan 6-year-olds on sight:
Speaking with Pierre Thomas on ABC News' "This Week," Holder took a swing at Palin, dismissing her credentialsfor making such a statement.
"She wasn't a particularly good vice presidential candidate," Holder said. "She's an even worse judge of who ought to be impeached and why."
<br/><a href="http: //abcnews.go.com/">ABC News</a> | <a href="http://abcnews.go.com/sports">ABC Sports News</a> </p><p>Expect the Flying Internet Ragemonkey Brigade to accuse Holder of being lawless and doing War On Women or something. And for the rest of America to throw roses at his feet and to greet him as a liberator. </p><p>[<a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/07/13/eric-holder-sarah-palin_n_5581987.html" target="_blank">HuffPo</a>]</p>
I would, if it was sharp enough.
Fap fap <i>squirrel!</i>