Hey, remember John Huppenthal, Arizona's state schools superintendent, who trolled a bunch of blogs from his work computer, mostly talking about what a great job John Huppenthal was doing as state schools superintendent, but also explaining that the poor are "lazy pigs" and Margaret Sanger did the Holocaust? Turns out that more of his commenting history is being uncovered, like the time he explained that controlling immigration needs to be done, but that we also need to make sure that those dumb immigrants straighten up and fly right, in English.
On a 2010 conservative blog postthat trumpeted the success of tough anti-immigrant laws that encouraged "self-deporting," Huppenthal, posting as "Falcon9," was delighted that crime was way down because of Arizona's "Your papers please" law (which had been in effect for all of six months), but he worried that one downside of controlling immigration was that there'd be "fewer jobs for caucasions" [sic]. Ever the wise sage, Huppenthal explained that white people just ain't birthin' babies fast enough to keep up with the dusky hordes:
In an improving economy, free flowing immigration creates more jobs for caucasions, not fewer. Economic growth is one part productivity growth and 2 parts population growth. Caucasians aren't reproducing themselves, so all population growth has to be immigration.
Happily, he can see a solution, now that criminal aliens were going to be a thing of the past -- restart immigration, but make sure all immigrants assimilate immediately, like they never have in reality but definitely did in nativist mythology. And it would be OK, because we'd only let hard workers in, not the criminal scum that are here today:
We are condemning ourselves to a second rate future if we don't reestablish the melting pot with a strong flow of immigrants engaging in economic activity, not crime.
Really, it's quite simple to make sure that America stays unified. Just ban Spanish!
We all need to stomp out balkanization. No spanish radio stations, no spanish billboards, no spanish tv stations, no spanish newspapers. This is America, speak English.
About 15% of students in Arizona schools, it should be noted, have a first language that isn't English. Not that the state superintendent needs to enable such lazy habits.
After another poster joked that it sounded like "Falcon9" might want to stomp out Mexican restaurants, too, he very very seriously replied,
I don't mind them selling Mexican food as long as the menus are mostly in English.
And, I'm not being humorous or racist. A lot is at stake here.
Stop joking, you guys. The head of Arizona's educational system has some important thoughts about menus.
On a whole 'nother blog, again posting as Falcon9, Huppenthal also explained that Mexican-American Studies (MAS), the program in Tucson schools that was eventually outlawed by the legislature, was like all other ethnic studies programs, "a racist program that pits the races against each other and encourages students to view themselves as victims and successful people as ‘oppressors.'" He also wrote "MAS = KKK" and explained that even talking about Latinos as a group that has a history was a form of defeatist racism, because there's only one kind of history, and that's the American kind, which is utterly without racial or ethnic divisions: “hispanic history [is] defined as a history of victimhood leading to a future of victimhood owned by you…”
Dammit, if those foreigns would just shut up and assimilate, we'd have no more problems. Now be quiet, Mr. Huppenthal is trying to come up with a new pseudonym to respond to this article with.
[ TPM ]
Follow Doktor Zoom on Twitter. Dammit, now he wants to eat at any of several great Mexican places in Tucson. As long as the menu is in English, of course.
FALSE FLAG! FALSE FLAG! This is pure southern Poverty Law Center Psyops ... he was hired by DHS!!!
The Depression is FDR's fault? Fuck, why not just blame Obama?