In Case You Missed This Wonket Scoop, These Are The Vegas Cop Killers, Jerad And Amanda Miller
When we shook our heads in wonder at the Stupidest Man on the Internet deciding the Bundy Ranchers who hate gubmint and love guns and white people were Socialists (because Nazis), we did not realize we were breaking the news of Vegas cop-killers Jerad and Amanda Miller's identities. (It was Lisa Wines's fault. She is really good at Facebook.)
What else can we learn about them from their Myfaceplaces? Let's jump into the rightwing fever sewer, together.
Jerad Millerthinksthought Eric Holder was UNFAIR, INPEACH, because rightwing extremists might be terroristy!
They think people should not be scared of other people just because they have guns. I mean, what's gonna happen, are they going to KILL THEM?
Chemtrails, obvs.
Jerad Miller, total Democrat.
It's called "weather."
Jerad Miller, Obama lover.
And this, whatever this is.
There&#039;s another Interesting Thing about Switzerland: Switzerland and Finland are the <a href="http:\/\/\/image\/510949bdecad04e80d000023-1200\/compared-to-the-rest-of-the-world-the-us-is-an-extreme-outlier-this-chart-shows-that-the-more-guns-a-country-has-the-more-gun-deaths-a-country-has-the-us-takes-this-relationship-to-the-extreme.jpg" target="_blank"> European leaders in gun violence. </a>
Somehow, the gun nuts never fail to not point this out.
At what point to they realize that believing something doesn&#039;t make it true? You could say &quot;when they&#039;re dead&quot; ... although by then, it&#039;s too late to &quot;realize&quot; anything. So, &quot;never&quot;.