Just like last week, Daddy Duggar and spawn Jill are in Nepal, which means maybe we'll have the joy of more casual racism from Daddy.
Do you know how much we've come to hate the intro credits where Mom Duggar reads the list of all the children's names? ALL THE HATE.
Honest to God we are pretty sure this is the exact same Nepal footage from last week. Maybe it is on some sort of loop?
<i>Derick is allowed to remove Jill from the orbit of Daddy Duggar for approximately 2 minutes to ask for her hand &mdash; and hand alone &mdash; in courtship.</i>
To be fair, there&#039;s a fuckton you can do with just one hand, IYKWISAITTYD.
How old is that girl? Because she is giving me the kind of thoughts that might get her kicked out of a homeschool prom.