You will note that we have not spent a lot of time last night or this morning subjecting you to OUTRAGE!!!1! via hellish racist bullshit about the passing of Nelson Mandela. This is because we are feeling gentle and celebratory about a great man's life -- how many people get to bear witness to an actual Father of a Nation bending the moral arc of the universe? -- and those irrelevant little sandflies in the darker corners of NRO comments can't ruin it for us no matter how hard they try. (And they have really been trying.)
So the following from Rick Santorum is not to make you mad. It's not even maddening! It is just hilarious typical Rick Santorum tonedeaf idiot bullshit, and it is for you to point and laugh. Rick Santorum, how are you like Nelson Mandela?
“He was fighting against some great injustice, and I would make the argument that we have a great injustice going on right now in this country with an ever-increasing size of government that is taking over and controlling people’s lives -- and Obamacare is front and center in that."
Oh Rick Santorum, you are so spitty and offensive and stupid. It's actually kind of adorable. Why, even Bill O'Reilly was not being a jerk, explaining that EVEN THOUGH Mandela was a Communist, which is the worstest thing in the world that you can ever, ever be, Mr. O'Reilly could still appreciate that Mandela was a great man for his country and for the cause of freedom itself. If he, Bill O'Reilly, could have good thoughts about aKenyanSouth African Marxist Muslin Terrorist (probably), surely the Tea Party could stop mau-mauing everyone who strayed from John Birch Society/Stormfront orthodoxy? Couldn't there be mutual respect even through disagreement?
Hahahahaha, don't be RIDICULOSE. Rick Santorum, of course, declined to agree, as what fun is it being Torquemada if you don't get to burn the RINOs at the stake? Or perhaps he is just so far up his own epistemic closure that his Romney-styley robot brain just spits out "big government" and "Obamacare" even at incredibly stupid times, because he is stupid, and a robot.
Anyway, by all means, Rick Santorum, please go to jail go directly to jail. In 27 years, we will have some grudging admiration for your strength and convictions, even though you'll always be a fascist to us.
Everyone assumes he&#039;s eating what&#039;s in the photo, but he might just be going the other way... he&#039;s <i>filling</i> that cone with some Bashir Boo-boo.
Nor would he approve of your thin skin. Straw man much? GG made a nauseatingly narcissistic tweet equating Snowden and Mandela and it is almost as disgusting as Santorum&#039;s. And I say this as one of the ones here who is more likely to cut both GG and Snowden some slack than most. The FUCK they are just alike- Mandela spent his entire life being a man of principle and sacrificing for the cause he believed in, knowing full well that he faced the very real possibility of being arrested and imprisoned or worse. Snowden was just some low level guy living the good life working for the NSA until he had a mid-life crisis of conscience after enjoying all those comfy years on the inside (or worse yet, his &quot;change of heart&quot; was nothing more than political opportunism when the POTUS became someone he didn&#039;t much care for and he saw a chance to throw egg in his face after having remained silent on these issues for years- I&#039;ll give him the benefit of the doubt on his motives but a good many people believe it was actually the latter).
Mandela paid the price over and over, for years- and not just in his imprisonment. Ed fled, end of story. He dropped his turd in the punchbowl then high tailed it out of Dodge rather than risk anything personally for the cause he claimed to believe in so much. You apologists always rationalize that he had no choice and that he couldn&rsquo;t accomplish anything in prison (also erroneously claiming that the idiotic game of where&rsquo;s Waldo we were all subjected to that sucked the oxygen from the real story or being disappeared to prison forever without a chance to stand up for his beliefs were the only two possible outcomes- more BS), but ironically the story of Nelson Mandela puts the lie to that excuse. Contrary to your straw man, no one is saying Snowden doesn&rsquo;t deserve some credit for what he did. On the continuum from douchnozzle to saint I will happily put Snowden many steps up from that asshat Santorum, but the idea he has earned a perch of greatness along side Mandela is utter bullshit. That tweet is a testament to the gaping blind spot of Glenn Greewald- his enormous ego and his insatiable need to make everything about him. The tweet was a tacky, gratuitous ego stroke for GG and was completely unnecessary- he deserves all the shit he gets for it, just like Santorum.