O, Happy Day: Cool New Religious Motivational Speaker Dude Justin Lookadoo Is Your New Bradlee Dean
You know how much mirth Bradlee Dean has brought to us over the years. Ol' Bradlee is going to have to step up his game HARD because there is a hep new Jesus dood in town here to tell all the public-school schoolchildren about how girls are loudmouthed sluts if they give in to the boys that just can't keep it in their pants.
Terrible Guy Fieri versus Pinhead hybrid Justin Lookadoo wandered into a public high school assembly in Texas to explain how boys are natural leaders on account of how they're not like girls, or something like that. Hark! Do we hear echoes of our sweet Bradlee's thoughts on teens and sex and ladyparts? We sure do!
However, where Bradlee Dean is faltering and maybe already entirely gone and is reduced to ranting weekly on WND, Lookadoo is a hot young thing with a hip website about what boys and girls should do to be dateable. SPOILER ALERT: Ladies should talk less! Shut up, girls! Let's take a look at some of his other wit and wisdom for the girls.
Well, I just meant the hair. Everything else is just terrible.
Why "Sonic The Hedgehog: The Movie" could never work.