Arizona Legislator Will Stop 'De Fuhrer' Obama From Sending Parks & Monuments To Gas Chambers
Arizona state Rep. Brenda Barton is not going to stand for the Nazi tactics of Nazi Barack Hussein Obamanazi and his Nazi government shutdown Park Service Nazis anymore, because they've Nazi'd the Nazi Nazi Nazis all to Nazi. On Facebook Monday, Barton called for a common-sense approach to dealing with parks and monuments closed by the government shutdown:
"Someone is paying the National Park Service thugs overtime for their efforts to carry out the order of De Fuhrer... where are our Constitutional Sheriffs who can revoke the Park Service Rangers authority to arrest??? Do we have any Sheriffs with a pair?"
At press time, it was unclear whether "De Fuhrer" was a typo or a perfectly hilarious means of reminding Obama that he is as black as Hitler's BFF Jesse Owens.
Barton appears to be a genuine Arizona loonypants of the first order; in addition to the Hitler stuff, she posted a brief catalogue of gripes against what she thinks That Man is up to:
"While the POTUS continues to punish the American people; he keeps open his golf course, he keeps open Camp David, and he retains his and his wife's excessive staff and stable of Czars! I'll bet he has kept in service his 3 food tasters!!!"
The golf course thing, by the way, is a convenient myth -- the main reason the golf course at Andrews AFB is still open is because it's funded by user fees, not the federal budget.
But of course all the rest of that stuff, especially the three food tasters, is totally true.
In another Facebook message , Barton buys into the myth that Obama has threatened to arrest Catholic priests who offer Communion to troops during the shutdown. No, but who cares, it sounds scary, and lots of conservatives have blogged about it, so it must be real.
But what really marks Barton as a full-on whackaloon, of course, is her belief that county sheriffs have the authority to arrest or block the power of federal officials, which is one of those fringe legal ideas popular in the sovereign citizens/wacko-"constitutionalist" territory of the wingnutosphere. After posting the "De Fuhrer" message, Barton added this helpful suggestion:
In AZ have you considered asking your county elected sheriff if they are considering revoking the arrest powers (that they granted in the first place) to federal agents operating within their county? Your elected sheriff has this authority. Phone your sheriff and ask them.
Wonkette would like to extend its sympathies to the staff at county sheriffs' offices, since they probably will be fielding a lot of irate phone calls today. And we would like to congratulate Brenda Barton on her shiny new nomination for Wonkette's coveted Legislative Shitmuffin of the Year Award.
Not totally OT, but <a href="http:\/\/\/a-senator-gets-mad-about-the-shutdown-and-starts-naming-names-about-time\?g=2&amp\;c=cp2" target="_blank">What a gal!</a>
She is from Payson, where my dad lived after retirement and where two of my sisters still live. The last time I voted there (1984), I think there were only 5 Democratic votes in my whole precinct (me, my dad, and my sister...and 2 people we were dying to meet). It&#039;s a place that used to be mostly timbering jobs, but now is mostly tourism....and meth labs. Sigh.