Ted Cruz has analyzed the blueprints for Obamacare, and determined that a Derpon torpedo fired into the well of the Senate has the potential to create a chain reaction that will... um... raise funds for his 2016 presidential run, really, that's about it. Also, we tried to think of worse attempts to sound like James Earl Jones, but came up dry. We're having a little trouble making sense of the Jedi Mind Trick that could transform Americans for Prosperity, the Cato institute, the Club for Growth, Freedomworks, the Heritage Foundation, et al. into a ragtag force of plucky Rebels. They just want to make sure that all sentient beings have the right to go bankrupt from medical bills or to be denied coverage for a pre-existing condition.
Saaaay... aren't midichlorians a pre-existing condition?
Anyhoo, would have been nice if a Democrat had jumped in to say "I find your lack of facts disturbing."
[ YouTube ]
They've already won this battle. Opening their mouths now would only give the GOP fodder. The shutter-up they stay, the faster the crapfest ends. The facts will begin appearing in the form of enrollment guidelines and info from the insurance website and state offices (for those states that didn't refuse to have state offices). The people who are frightened by the misinformation ain't listening to the Senate. They have to learn it's a worthwhile program by making use of it.
Better federal funding for outreach in states that are actively trying to wreck the ACA through under-enrollment is probably the only useful thing the Senate could do. Sadly, this is not the ideal week to propose an increase in the Obamacare implementation budget. The Gops won that one.
Beat me to it.