Nice Time: Here, Planned Parenthood, Old Billionaire Coot Ross Perot Will Give You One Million Dollars
The state of Texas sent a strong message to women last year when it completely dismantled Medicaid funding for women's healthcare so that Planned Parenthood wouldn't get any state money -- the cuts didn't defund any abortions, because those were already not funded by state money. But the reasoning seemed to have been that pap smears are like a gateway drug to abortion, so to save babies, women's health services at Planned Parenthood had to be murrrrrdered.
To help offset the lost funding, the Perot Foundation of Dallas, founded by 83-year-old coot and billionaire and two-time presidential crazy person Ross Perot, announced this week that it will be donating $1 million to Planned Parenthood of Texas. Margo Perot said in a written statement,
“For nearly 100 years Planned Parenthood has helped to educate men and women regarding family planning and general family health ... Our family has supported this nonprofit for many years because we are impressed with the work they do — providing birth control; scientifically based education; breast health exams; and basic, life-saving healthcare for women who cannot afford services otherwise.”
“We also recognize the need to further inform the public of the mission of this great organization and the need to support it at this critical time,” she added.
While the healthcare situation for low-income women in Texas remains grim, the gift from the Perot Foundation will allow Planned Parenthood to continue providing services, even though it replaces only some of the state and federal funds the organization lost after the 2011 and 2012 cuts. And of course, in a saner world, it wouldn't have to rely on the kindness of a billionaire former presidential candidate. But in a saner world, would Ross Perot even have been a billionaire former presidential candidate? This is what happens when you mess with the timeline, which is why Starfleet has the Prime Directive in the first place.
[ Salon / Donate to Planned Parenthood your own billionaire self ]
Same here, seminar attendee and Minard framed above the desk—and by the way, even indirect sunlight will fade the orange to pale pink.
For non-Tufte-adherents, the gist is this: if your data are uninteresting, you have the wrong data, and no amount of drop-shadows or fancy fonts will make your data interesting.
Seven of Nine libul!11!