Your Wonket does not have strong opinions on this whole "Syria" mishegas. In fact, we do not have any opinions on this whole Syria mishegas. For one thing, we live up the ass of the administration (it is warm, and smells of summer plums), because for the most part we trust Obama's judgment and sobriety and expect him to do the mostly right thing. For another, we are not reflexively against military action -- we don't even particularly care about our Death Rain of Drones! (Bad liberals. Baaaaaad.) On the other hand, we refuse to read anything about it, because we are Merkins, so it's totally possible our anti-war buddies, and, um, Don Rumsfeld, are totally right, and WTF NOBUMMER SECOND COMING OF BUSH JESUS CHRIST AND WTF (AGAIN).
But we think we can all agree that "lolly lolly lolly get your Raytheon stocks here" is a little trayf, eh, CNBC?
More importantly, what are Halliburton and KBR, fucking chopped liver?
[Photo from Wonket operative "Adam," whose inflight entertainment will not let him switch from CNBC.]
Then we can listen to the screeches that we didn't do enough (cuz Assad is still alive) or we fucked up and killed a bunch of civilians. Whether they are pro rebel, pro Assad, or pro " I just don't want to die" it won't matter, those deaths will get a whole new bunch of people to hate us. All of the options,inculding keeping our hands to ourselves, have signifcant negative consequences for pretty much everyone involved.
Anything that shit stain says is suspect.