Rick Santorum Does Not Care For Your 'Marxism Talk' About 'The Middle Class,' Which Does Not Exist
Why is Rick Santorum still talking, and more importantly, why is anyone still interested in hearing him talk, given that he holds no office and everyone wishes he'd go away? Your Wonkette does not have the answer to these questions, but we DO have a video of him referring to any discussion of the middle class as "Marxism talk" at a speech he made in Iowa for some reason. This presumably only refers to Obama's use of the term "middle class," seeing as Santorum's old presidential campaign website contains a page titled " Santorum hopes to rebuild middle class ."
But anyway, yes, "middle class" is "Marxism talk," let us learn about why!
The video opens with him screeching "Don't use the term the other side uses!"
It looks like he is in a gym. Is it a YMCA? Not sure, will look into it. Anyway,
"Don't use the term the other side uses! What has Barack Obama doing talking about it all the time, 'the middle class'? Since when in America do we have classes?"
(Answer: since sometime around the industrial revolution. )
"And since when in America are people stuck in areas or defined places called a 'class?'"
(Answer: since the Reagan administration , more or less.)
"That's Marxism talk!"
Here we were, thinking that it was best for politicians not to talk about the middle class because we no longer have one of those, but no, it is because of "Marxism talk."
"Every time we use the term 'middle class,' we are buying into” Democrats’ rhetoric of dividing America..There’s no class in America,” he said.
And there you have it, Wonketteers: Santorum's America. A place where there is no class.
[ Mediaite ]
<i>Why is Rick Santorum still talking, and more importantly, why is anyone still interested in hearing him talk, given that he holds no office and everyone wishes he&rsquo;d go away?</i>
Got me on this one, KB.
I&#039;ll try &quot;Deciphering Stupid A-holes&quot; for 30, please.
<i>&ldquo;Marxism talk.&rdquo;</i>
There&rsquo;s another word they want to use, but just can&rsquo;t, so they start screaming things like SOCIALIST and MARXIST. Ask them what a socialist is, and they tell you &lsquo;I dunno, but I think they like fried chicken&#039;.