You know, sometimes we on the left are a little quick to cry RACISMS! and whatnot. Why, there are complaints so whiny and tenuous even your Wonket won't try to blow them up into SCANDAL and OUTRAGE!!1! Like, someone can be like "that dog won't hunt," and everybody will go "HE CALLED US DOGS!" Even Rachel Maddow, goddess of our hearts and chaste but fraught with sexy tension nighttime dreams, tweeted the other day that everyone could agree Darrell Issa should not call civil rights hero John Lewis "boy."
The quote ended up being "you're like a little boy with his hand in the cookie jar," and we, for several, failed to see the infinite sadness.
But you can always trust Texas's main man Louie Gohmert to bring the truly what fuck now?Â
Gohmert was responding to an amendment to the bill presented by Conyers and Rep. Steve Cohen (D-Tenn.). The amendment would prevent third party intervention in regulatory action that would protect individuals from discrimination based on sex, race or national origin.
"There is nobody in this chamber who is more appreciative than I am for the gentleman from Tennessee and my friend from Michigan standing up for the rights of race, religion, national religion of the Delta Smelt, the snail darter, various lizards, the lesser prairie chicken, the greater sage grouts and so many other insects who would want someone standing for their religion, their race, their national origin and I think that’s wonderful," Gohmert said of the measure.
We are not even going to bother reading back into the article for more information on the nondiscrimination whoozit, because it's so process. "In the event that parties of the third part suck my balls, and interference from parties heretofore unknown," fuck, we do not know, Snipy is the lawyer and she is off morning drinking.
Louie Gohmert just called minorities and gays and women and foreigns and religious people what might not be Jebusy "snail darters, various lizards, prairie chickens, sage grouts and so many other insects," for real, because WHAT THE FUCK WE DO NOT EVEN.
In conclusion, Louie Gohmert should not call other people "lizards" because of how he is the chief reptiloid from V, the end.
[ HuffPo ]
Gohmert was trying to claim that an amendment about non-discrimination policies for people wasn't actually for people at all because it was an amendment to a bill about wildlife policy, apparently entirely ignorant of the simple fact that wildlife policy is implemented by people who work for the government.
Of course, to Gohmert, there's no such thing as "people who work for the government", so, ergo, they must be lizards.
ETA: Nope, that wasn't even it, it's even stupider. The bill was to basically to allow the idiot Tea Party masses to essentially prevent the government from ever doing anything by giving legal force to their relentless objections to any and all regulations. The amendment was to create an exception when the "regulation" is actually the government submitting to a consent decree to settle a lawsuit; this is frequently done for civil rights cases, but also sometimes done for environmental cases. Gohmert was deliberately trying to create a fog of confusion, somewhat like the one in which he lives.
That should be the default for "Louie Gohmert" in EVERY name generator.