Oh, whoops, we do not think the spokeswoman for the Republican National Committee, and the Daily Caller (the spokespaper for the RNC), meant to confirm that Harry Reid was right about Mitt Romney paying a big gorgeous goose egg in taxes for 10 years. But they accidentally did! Oh our tangled webs and cetera!
In a big scoopy scooperson, if a bunch of conjecture could be a scoop, but sure why not, the Daily Caller asks if Harry Reid was fed Mitt Romney's tax returns by all the dastardly liebruls at the IRS. You remember -- Reid came out on the floor of the Senate and had a gay old time crowing about how he had a source, and the source told him Romney paid nada. And everybody was like YOU LIE, but it is weird that the Romney campaign didn't falsify this completely falsifiable assertion by, you know, releasing the tax returns. (No, they didn't. They released one year and part of another.) And now??? Well, when it is time to throw the IRS to the teabaggers, then it is time to throw Mitt Romney there, too! Take it away, Daily Caller!
Since the new IRS scandal broke, Republicans have found the question of who Reid got his information from — and from where — intriguing. “We all wondered how Harry Reid had Mitt Romney's taxes," Republican National Committee spokeswoman Kirsten Kukowski told The Daily Caller. “The question is, will he call for a full investigation into the IRS?"
Did you get that? Here let us repeat it.
“We all wondered how Harry Reid had Mitt Romney's taxes,"Republican National Committee spokeswoman Kirsten Kukowski told The Daily Caller. “The question is, will he call for a full investigation into the IRS?"
That's weird. Cause last we heard it was a scurrilous lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie.
Oh well. It is not like anyone likes Mitt Romney anyway.
[ DailyCaller / Photo by Gage Skidmore, Creative Commons license 2.0 ]
I would so dearly love to know if he filed a corrected return, after losing the election, to get his tax rate back down to its original piss-off-the-peasants level.
Don Gonyea on NPR really said it best yesterday. After letting tea partiers go on for 3 minutes about oppression! freedumb! He ended it by saying: "Each is also quick to opine that this is bigger than a bad call made by some bureaucrat at the Internal Revenue Service. Each points a finger at the president, something Tea Party members have been doing ever since their movement began. Don Gonyea, NPR News, Washington." Bazinga.