Glenn Beck is still convinced -- as of this morning -- that the SAUDI NATIONAL (who's already been cleared) he fingered earlier this week is up to his Saudi ears in the Boston bombings, along with those nice Chechen boys. And that everybody will be fired. And that the president will be impeached.
Boy we sure will have egg on our face when the FBI explains that despite the fact that they already found the dudes, who have been cold murdering cops and throwing bombs out of stolen SUVs, that it was really Glenn's Saudi guy all along. Man, how embarrassed we are going to be.
[ MediaMatters ]
I'm reading this 8 hours down the worldline, and I hope there are more installments.
1. The fuck?
2. The pressure cookers survived having explosive detonated inside them? There are pictures showing intact pressure cookers? (I refuse to click on prisonplanet).
3. It would never have occurred to me to make a bomb out of a pressure cooker, but given the concept, I naively assume that you would plant it on its side, because the lid seal is almost certainly going to give first (unless there is a manufacturing defect in the body). And you would put the explosive on the bottom of the cooker, and pack the shrapnel on the lid side of the explosive. So it seems that you would expect a directional blast. The lid would be moving at a reasonable fraction of the speed of the shrapnel (it's much heavier, but its cross-section is much larger), hence you wouldn't expect holes in the lid. Figuring out whether or not to expect pitting damage would require knowledge of the materials involved and quite a bit of calculation.