<a href="http:\/\/www.nytimes.com\/2013\/04\/17\/us\/in-grisly-image-a-father-sees-his-son.html\?hp" target="_blank">More on Bauman</a> in the NYT.
His family found out about it when they saw the picture. I really, really hope it was the cropped version. :(
Ignore &#039;em ... the fuckers haven&#039;t got the brainpower of a dead gerbil.
<a href="http:\/\/www.nytimes.com\/2013\/04\/17\/us\/in-grisly-image-a-father-sees-his-son.html\?hp" target="_blank">More on Bauman</a> in the NYT.
His family found out about it when they saw the picture. I really, really hope it was the cropped version. :(