Sponsored! This Proud Dad Paid Us Sweet Cash Money To Listen To His Son's Awesome Album For Nerds!
This is not a music blog! This is a mommyblog recipe-hub sci-blog literary salon #WARBLOG! What are we even doing writing about music? WE KNOW NOTHING OF MUSIC! Well tell it to Greil Marcus, who once said we were one of his favorite music writers, obviously because he had a Rick Perry Moment and couldn't think of any other music writers in the whole wide world, oops. So now that that is out of the way, let us talk about Rocket Science, because J. Koester's papa is proud of him and bought him a post for just that purpose! See that link right there? That is the free download to the whole album, because of how J. Koester is a cool guy.
So, let us begin. Are you a nerd? Do you like nerd stuff, and science, and sex robots and white-man-rap and Abba mixed with David Bowie and Lemon Jelly and maybe Shakespeare's Sister and Disco Eponine and concept albums? Then Rocket Science might be for you! Do you think those things are "goofy"? Then Rocket Science might not be for you probably!
First, J. Koester owes a large debt to Lemon Jelly-- most obviously "Space Walk," of course, but really any of their mixes of lovely repetitive entrancing beats (not "trance beats," ugh gross) built on snatches of found dialogue, like "Nice Weather for Ducks," which was hilariously made into a cat food commercial.
Here's the intro to Rocket Science:
</p><p>Or try this one, "Let Me Go." </p><p><iframe frameborder="no" height="166" scrolling="no" src="https: //w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fapi.soundcloud.com%2Ftracks%2F84758667" width="100%"/> </p><p>See what we mean? Now check "Ghosts for Breakfast": </p><p><iframe frameborder="no" height="166" scrolling="no" src="https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fapi.soundcloud.com%2Ftracks%2F84758666" width="100%"/> </p><p>Now add some disco-Les Mis and a little Rocky Horror, and you have "Spider's Ball": </p><p><iframe frameborder="no" height="166" scrolling="no" src="https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fapi.soundcloud.com%2Ftracks%2F84758669" width="100%"/> </p><p>And here's the final song on the album, "The First Hurrah." You've got your Lemon Jelly "Space Walk" intro, followed by some <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bUIElvJRyNU" target="_"blank"">Cardigans</a> girl liltery about death: </p><p><iframe frameborder="no" height="166" scrolling="no" src="https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fapi.soundcloud.com%2Ftracks%2F84758671" width="100%"/> </p><p>There's much more -- Abba style female power balladeering mixed with samples of (we think) Shatner. Songs about fellatio. A little bit of <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G6Kspj3OO0s" target="_"blank"">Cranberries.</a> A sad man what got dumped by a no-good lady. And don't forget the sex robots. </p><p>Never forget the sex robots. </p><p>So long review short: if we hadn't loved this album, we would have given Daddy up there an ad in the sidebar instead of writing about it. And we did love it -- we loved the fuck out of it! -- and so did Doktor Zoom! Our ex-boyfriend/art director thought it was "goofy," because he lives in Silver Lake and nothing is cool enough for him. You might not like it at all! Or you might! Luckily it is free. </p><p>A+ free music download, would do business with free music download again! </p><p>-- Rebecca Schoenkopf </p><p>[<a href="http://www.iceblockfilms.com/blog/rocket-science/" target="_"blank"">Rocket Science free album download</a>]</p>
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