Just when you think things couldn’t get any worse for the sweet-faced little rotten dumpling of hate that is Fox News "comedian" Steven Crowder, he has decided to weigh in on a complex social issue. Given that his writing style continues to combine the subtlety of an air raid siren with the careful analysis of a rabid mule, he is bound to anger people associated with the subject of whatever he addresses. In this case he is (again) picking a fight that he most definitely will lose.
Apparently, Fox’s senior millennial troll is incensed that a male to female transsexual is befouling his beloved sport of mixed martial arts through her insistence on competing against women. But while sane commentators approach this subject (if just to avoid looking an ass or the inevitable angry emails) with some degree of precision in terms of how they express their thoughts on the subject, Crowder predictably filled his post on the subject with the sort of idiotic musings that we have come to expect from a man who believes that marriage is a sanctified sandwich filled sleepover .
Crowder’s concern over this subject must have been brewing for a bit (unlike his more reflexive complaints about the possible replacement of wrasslin’ with some gay-ass Chinese knockoff ). His first tweets about his concerns regarding Fallon Fox, who is the MTF fighter at the center of this controversy, appeared earlier this month . This drew the attention (thanks to your Wonkette) of famous transsexual porn star and overall awesome human being Buck Angel ( aka the man with a pussy ). Mr. Angel, being of the male persuasion challenged Crowder to a fight . Given the humiliating way in which Crowder’s last public battle ended, it isn’t exactly surprising that Steven did not reply to Mr. Angel’s suggestion.
But the issue of trans folks in gender segregated sports is actually one with a high degree of controversy given the role of testosterone. An MTF athlete who is not using testosterone blockers is arguably at a pretty distinct advantage, one that Crowder mentions in his piece at length (after some irrelevant bullshit about male athletes who cheated at their sports):
Let’s just talk hormones for a second.
Healthy young men naturally have an approximate testosterone level of 450-1100 ng./dl. Women, typically have that of 40-70 ng./dl. That’s a ratio of at least 10: 1.
While Crowder might be confidently pulling figures out of his ass to demonstrate this point, he unfortunately is more than a just a smidge full of shit :
(T)esting for testosterone levels alone is inadequate and completely simplistic — that the IAAF is testing to make sure a female athlete is not "too masculine." Rebecca Jordan-Young, a member of the panel and co-author of the report, has said, "Individuals have dramatically different responses to the same amounts of testosterone, and it is just one element in a complex neuroendrocrine feedback system." Moreover,it's not known what typical testosterone levels even are for elite female athletes.
The Stanford bioethicist also argues that athletic performance cannot be simply boiled down to testosterone levels, citing thatperformance is much more complicated than that.
But renaissance man and professional asshole Steven Crowder assured us that this one data point should determine the entire issue, Rebecca! Goddammit science you are confusing us with this insistence on being nuanced. Where is Steven with a healthy dose of gender-normative stereotyping and irrelevant epithets to soothe our weary heads?
I can just hear the critics now... “She’s a she!” “You just hate transgender people!” or of my personal favorite “your values are just archaic!”
Archaic values? Possibly. Here’s one to try on for size…
Unless you were born and raised a woman, you don’t go around hitting chicks.
It’s only natural for human beings to get squeamish at the sight of a lifelong male pummeling dames mercilessly, but it’s not an argument.
OOH YEAH THAT’S THE STUFF STEVEN. You hear that women folk? Young Crowder is here to protect you and your fragile constitutions from the viciously brutal sport that he loves so very much. You should be happy to have such a chivalrous defender at your side to ensure that you escape the trials and tribulations of MMA or premarital sex lest you are ruined and no longer fit for a fine gentleman like him with which to breed.
But despite Steven’s best intentions (of gaining attention through his usual avenues of pissing off the entire sentient world for page views) he does manage to bring up a semblance of a point:
With a record of 2-0, none of Fallon’s female victims have even made it past two minutes of the first round. If you were to watch these fights, it would look very much like you would expect…a man knocking a woman unconscious.
In the name of political correctness, leftists have come out championing the cause, as Fallon ragdolls female opponents into oblivion.
Boy that sounds downright scary. Who would have ever thought that a wonderfully ethical sport like MMA, which is usually so conscious about the health, safety, and welfare of its laborers, would expose female combatants to this modern day centurion wreaking biblical levels of havoc in the ring. But hey Steven you seemed to have forgotten to link any videos featuring Ms. Fox destroying her delicate opponents. Luckily we found one and decided to view them for ourselves:
OH THE HUMANITY.....that was boring. You promised us “Bloodsport” worthy ass kicking Crowder. That just looked liked two rather athletic looking ladies wrestling each other - which is all it ever was.
So much win right there.
The funniest thing Steven Crowder ever said was probably "I'm a comedian".
The funniest thing he ever did, of course, was get punched in the face.
Also too, you can tell Stefan isn't one of the cool kids because the cool kids would've asked "Where is Steven with a healthy dose of cisgendered heteronormative stereotyping?"