In a major victory for democracy, Republican leaders in Florida have declared that they are against stealing a presidential election. Yes. Really.
In the wake of a new legislative push by some Republicans in Virginia — who want to make it so Democrats can only get 4 of the state's 11 Electoral Votes , after Barack Obama carried Virginia twice as the first Democrat to win the state in almost 50 years — more attention is being cast on proposals to decide the Electoral College by each House district. (And of course, those districts were widely drawn by Republicans after their state victories in 2010.)
But in Florida, the state House Speaker Will Weatherford (R) is saying no.
"To me, that's like saying in a football game, 'We should have only three quarters, because we were winning after three quarters and they beat us in the fourth," Weatherford told the Miami Herald on Thursday.
"I don't think we need to change the rules of the game, I think we need to get better."
We will pause here to let you wipe your brains off your monitor.
Florida Senate President Don Gaetz went even further: "I think we should abolish the Electoral College but nobody in Washington has called to ask for my opinion. If James Madison had asked me, and I had been there, I would have said a popular vote is a better way to do it."
Where was that guy in 2000?
RNC Chair Reince Priebus (R-Middle Earth) has actually given a thumbs-up to splitting the blue states. "I think it's something that a lot of states that have been consistently blue that are fully controlled red ought to be looking at," Priebus said two weeks ago .
Such states — that have voted Dem for president, but where Republicans currently control the state government — include Virginia, Pennsylvania, Florida, Ohio, Michigan and Wisconsin. And as it so happens, vote-splitting by gerrymandered districts in those states could've shifted 64 Electoral Votes to Mitt Romney in 2012 — giving him a total of 270 exactly for victory, despite losing the popular vote to Obama by almost 5 million.
And if district results were used in all states, Romney would have "won" by even more , with 276 Electoral Votes, while Obama got 51 percent of the actual American public.
And that would be government for 47 percent.
[ Miami Herald ]
Yeah, that's kind of my thought. The one thing you can't gerrymander is the whole state's population and representative count.
<i>&quot;If James Madison had asked me, and I had been there, I would have said a popular vote is a better way to do it.&quot;</i>
The Founders were suspicious of popular vote and protective of state prerogatives. Senators were selected by some or most state legislatures until the 17th Amendment required direct election. TP&#039;ers and some Repubicans <a href="http:\/\/\/news\/GOP-Senate-Candidates-Advocate-17th-Amendment-Repeal-216856-1.html" target="_blank">HATE</a> the 17th Amendment because .... well, I guess it&#039;s too democratic or maybe too Democratic.