Oh cool, Anonymous (we think it is Anonymous?) says Karl Rove was gonna vote fraud all the Machines, and that's why he was so flabbergasted and refused to believe it when Fox called Ohio for Bamz, but they stopped him from stealing all the Machines by jamming up ORCA, because it was not actually a GOTV system but a "steal the vote" system, but they stopped him, we are pretty sure that is what the following letter, which we guess is from Anonymous probably, says. Seems legit! But here is our question! If Anonymous hacked ORCA and caused it to explode miserably on Election Day, how could Anonymous ever prove that ORCA was actually a vote-thieving program? If they hacked in, couldn't they have planted code to make it look like Rove was gonna fraud the election? (Not that we believe for a second that Rove wasn't trying to fraud the election, we are just saying, it seems like "logic.")

Oh, and is that Assange they're talking about at the end? We assume that is Assange. We never did pay attention like we should have.
[ scribd ]
Uno, it seems legit, because Karl Rove was not Sorry for his reaction on teevee.
(Still available for terrible punmanship: Mousetrap, Operation, and Boggle!)
The age of man is over. The time of the Orc has come!