Here is a map from an "election forecasting model" that the Fox News sent out to America, and your Editrix found it on the Twitter and shared it in the Secret Wonkette Chat Room, for panic-laughs. But seriously, Fox News, try to be a bit more realistic! All of us who have been frantically refreshing Nate Silver's Math and Numbers Emporium for succor know that there's no way that Obama loses Pennsylvania and Minnesota but wins Nevada. Ain't gonna happen! But we have a more likely map to flip out about, after the jump!

There you go, there's a map that actually conforms to a realistic if pessimistic version of Nate's current numbers and ends in an exact 269-269 tie, which, you know what that means: contingent election in the House of Representatives! Get ready for mass protests, politicians screaming at each other for months, John Boehner weeping openly, etc. Fun! [ 270 To Win is awesome if you like maps, and freaking yourself out]
was that speech panned? i didn't really hear that.
i mean, I panned it, but i've been hearing nothing but wall to wall pro romney coverage (on npr) so it's hard to tel.
speaking as a newly unemployed person, i for one can't wait for that job president romney will give me on nov 7.