Guess Who Is the Keynote Speaker at the Cayman Islands Alternative Investment Summit (Hint: It Is George W. Bush)
How NICE that Dubya can take some time off to get away from whatever the hell it is he does these days to address a bunch of Job Creators in a quiet room in the Cayman Islands. What is the Cayman Islands Investment Summit, you might be wondering? It is exactly what you think it is, plus tennis.
The Cayman Island Alternative Investment Summit , for those of you who are not familiar, will be held in a nice resort in the Cayman Islands in conjunction with a fancy tennis event, and will be a huge circle jerk for Job Creators wherein they can talk about tax avoidance strategies. Or, as they put it,
The Cayman Islands Alternative Investment Summit is an international conference that will bring together the world's leading institutional investors, fund managers, academics, economists and regulators in the Cayman Islands - the world's leading domicile for investment funds - to discuss and debate the fundamentals of a vibrant future for the alternative investments industry.
Yes, if we wanted to host an intelligent and nuanced debate about a complex topic, George W. Bush would certainly be one of our first choices too. The “key theme” of the summit is ‘Innovation in Alternative Investments: Seeing What’s Next’. (Hint: avoiding taxes, probably.) Sadly, Mitt is too busy campaigning for president to visit the millions of dollarshe stashes there (not to avoid taxes, of course ) but maybe he can sent it a message via GW?
The Cayman Alternative Investment Summit is an opportunity for the industry’s elite to take an introspective look at itself, seeing where the industry has been and predicting where it will go in the future,” said Anthony Cowell, Partner in Alternative Investments at KPMG in the Cayman Islands and Editorial Chair. “KPMG is proud to be at the centre of the event and looks forward to the stimulating and thought provoking debate, set against the backdrop of the domicile of choice for alternative investments.
This all makes perfect sense. Who doesn't immediately conjure up visions of tennis, a seaside resort, and George W. Bush when they think of "stimulating and thought provoking debate"?
i wonder if romney would be as much of a disaster as bush.
i sincerely we hope that doesn't get put to the test.
In a contest of &#039;Who Can Put A Shoe In His Mouth First&#039;, the race between W and Mittens would be <i>very</i> close (and <i>very</i> entertaining).