How is it that nobody until now has noticed the eerie similarity between Hollywood Lieberal Matt Damon ("Matt Damon") and beefy conservahunk and potential vice president of US America Paul Ryan? They have the same number of eyebrows ... They both have hair ... Hmmm. Is it possible they do not actually look like each other at all? NO, IDIOT. It is NOT.
Here are some things that look more like other things than Paul Ryan looks like Matt Damon ("Matt Damon").
Here is a USB cord that looks more like a tampon than Paul Ryan looks like Matt Damon.
Here is a laptop case that looks more like a pizza box than Paul Ryan looks like Matt Damon.
Here is an oven mitt that looks more like a "like" than Paul Ryan looks like Matt Damon.
Finally, this cat looks more like Paul Ryan than Paul Ryan looks like Matt Damon.
Oh, sorry, that is Hitler.
Matt Damon has empathy for fellow human beings. Can't say the same for Ryan.
The law of unintended consequences is item #12 on my list of important things about the world most "conservatives" entirely fail to understand.