Boy does time fly! It seems like just yesterday that Paul Ryan was charging his constituents $15 each to come yell at him at town halls . But now times have changed! Paul Ryan is a Vice Presidential candidate, which means that he has to let people come yell at him WITHOUT EVEN GIVING HIM MONEY. Like yesterday, when he went to the Iowa state fair in Des Moines and had to just stand there until cops intervened to protect him from a lady yelling questions like ARE YOU GOING TO CUT MEDICARE (yes, of course he is, DUH) and STOP THE WAR ON THE MIDDLE CLASS (*cough* Communists *cough*).
Poor, poor Paul Ryan was reduced totelling the crowd that since Iowans and Wisconsinites “like to be respectful with one another, and peaceful with one another and listen to each other these ladies must not be from Iowa or Wisconsin." Yes, Paul Ryan is so respectful and peaceful, probably because he is from Wisconsin. Like that one time he politely and respectfully made jokes and laughed as cops wrestled an old man the ground because he dared to point out all the six ways that the Ryan Plan would screw him from Sunday, or the other time he politely and respectfully filibustered his own town meeting so he wouldn't have to hear what constituents had to say about his plan to ruin their lives. For funsies, here he is at a "listening" session back in 2011, interrupting everyone and lecturing at anyone who asks him tough questions and then finally just asking a bunch of them to leave.
We have a good friend who works for a local citizens' review board of the police force. It's a classic cop move to be a bit rough when they first grab you. It's a natural reaction to pull back, twist, or otherwise react.
Bingo! Now they add "Resisting Arrest."
i made the mistake of responding to a troll on the economist about this very subject.
while it was an utterly worthless exchange, i did realize they seriously - seriously - think gaffey joe is stupid - and far worse - their randian cheese-bagger teatard is smarter than average.
i have yet to see the evidence of the latter and as for the former, they have absolutely no idea what they're in for.
(rubs hands in glee).