Oh, Right, Remember When Michele Bachmann Was Researching Her Muslim Infiltration Letter on the Airplane?
Your Wonkette is so good at capitalizing on its comparative advantages during major news events that, umm... it's taken us four days to remember that we had a post about someone in May who sat next to Michele Bachmann on a plane, while she was reading a dumb book about Muslim infiltration of the government. Who knew she would act on that? (Everybody.) Let's call it a re-scoop and give ourselves some Pulitzers and filet mignon.
Thanks to this fourth commenter from a Minnesota Public Radio article for reminding us of what was on our website! We were there, man, meaning we took some screen-grabs of a lady's tweets and made jokes. But these forgotten tweets show that Bachmann's letter demanding an investigation of Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin's ties to the Muslim Brotherhood -- she had a father who had an uncle with a father who knew a guy and the father and the uncle knew the person associated with the Muslim Brotherhood, decades ago -- were in fact based on some nutter book she read on an airplane.
Research werks!
Yep. Woman I know with children same age as me, when they were little, saying she didn't need to vaccinate her (home-schooled, natch) kids because the diseases were no longer a problem. Yes, so me getting my kids vaccinated made her kids safe. Right.
" In 2010, despite spending $13.6 million, she won reelection with just 53 percent — a relatively weak performance for a Republican incumbent who spent that much money in a great Republican year."
And redistricting made her district lean less Republican (plus excluded her house from her district - ha! ha!)
Her Presidential campaign may have attracted the attention of nationwide wingnuts, which is great for the coffers, but it also highlighted her crazy, which I'm not sure is so helpful for garnering votes from the St Paul 'burbs.