Having all but eliminated legal access to abortion in the state of Kansas and also made it harder for women to access affordable birth control,Governor "#heblowsalot" Sam Brownback can now turn his attention to creating problems for Muslim women in particular, rather than for all women in general. He is cleverly doing this through taking on the very pressing, very important non-problem of judges applying foreign law in American courtrooms.
Fox News (of COURSE) is "reporting" that the law would go into effect on July 1:
Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback has signed a law aimed at keeping the state's courts or government agencies from basing decisions on Islamic or other foreign legal codes, and a national Muslim group's spokesman said Friday that a court challenge is likely.
The new law, taking effect July 1, doesn't specifically mention Shariah law, which broadly refers to codes within the Islamic legal system. Instead, it says courts, administrative agencies or state tribunals can't base rulings on any foreign law or legal system that would not grant the parties the same rights guaranteed by state and U.S. constitutions.
There is no known case in which a Kansas judge has implemented Shar'iah law in his or her courtroom, by the way, so clearly this is a problem deserving of immediate and sustained attention -- and OF COURSE, Governor Brownback thinks its wrong to mix religion and politics and SURELY he is doing this out of concern for women's rights, duh.
(Incidentally, a lack of specificity means that it might accidentally outlaw Orthodox Jewish practices, but everyone knows that you can't make an omelet without breaking eggs!) Also! Does this legislation really go far enough? Why stop at the law? Why not demand an end to all Arab OR Islamic influences, period! Where can we expect the tyranny of Arabic numerals and algebra and alcohol to end? It's IN OUR SCHOOLS, won't someone think of the CHILDREN?? Governor #heblowsalot is our only hope in ending this madness! Besides, everyone is doing it.
Both the Washington-based council and the National Conference of State Legislatures say such proposals have been considered in 20 states, including Kansas. [L]aws similar to Kansas' new statute have been enacted in Arizona, Louisiana and Tennessee.
Ah yes. Arizona, Louisiana, and Tennessee. That's a ringing endorsement -- unless Florida gets on board, then it will REALLY be time to move on this issue. [ HuffPo ]
I wonder what this means for all the Jeebus-based anti-abortion laws in Kansas.
If you're referring to Kansas state legislators, yes.